Recca just watched as it all unfolded, the shots from Alexis and 3rn really on key. It was very effective as he stood there freezing from the inside out the Rangers joined their weapons together to for the final blast. The Power Blaster fired a shot at him and with him with no way to defend himself, it was his end. "Alright guys good work," Jason yelled out. As they all cheered for their victory. Recca walked over to them, "Great work." Recca looked at Gaeriel his body was still there, something was not right. "Strange," Gaeriel started to push himself up once again, "This is not over!" Then Recca spotted it. A shard flicked off the side of his neck it started to glow and he started to grow. The rangers jumpped into action. "We need Dinozord power NOW!" Tommy pulled out his dagger and played a melody and the DragonZord rose from the waters to help in battle. Recca called back to the command center. "We have a huge problem. Are the time flyers able to be sent here?" Jen was on the other end, "We can send the Blue and pink time flyer, Q-Rex and the Shadow Winger to you. You won't be able to combine them until we Figure out a way to help them be auto piloted. But Those should be enough, Just call for them." Recca ran over to the others, "We can call for the flyers, we got the ok!" The rangers form the Mega Dragonzord and started the final encounter.