[u][i][b]PENDING APPROVAL (WIP)[/b][/i][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/h8YSD0U.png[/img] [b][u]Arcsoni Exodus Initiative[/u][/b] [hider=Government][b]Government Type: [/b] The Initiative is best referred to as a single party dictatorship with the controlling party wielding complete authority and oversight of all government branches. While democracy is an often stated eventual goal the general prosperity of the nation compared to times past has made the one party system immensely popular. [b]Capital System/World:[/b] Socori System, Marsu Station [b]Population:[/b] 3.87 Billion [b]Leadership: [/b] Initiative Director- Huysn Initiative Board- Nyus Initiative Board- Junu Initiative Board- Mayus Initiative Board- Snunu[/hider] [Hider=Demographics][b]Dominant Species: [/b] [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/326/d/4/alien_scout_concept_by_tlishman-d33eg8q.jpg]Arcsoni[/url] Though clearly a life form similar to Humans in shape the Arcsoni have many subsurface differences. Foremost amongst these is the Ectothermal nature of the Arcsoni indicated by wing like structures that run from their necks to mid torsos. These structures, capable of being folded in, were used to bask in the sun on the barren plains from which the Arcsoni originated and while purpose built suits or environmental controls have eliminated the necessity of that action the structures are still a vital part of Arcsoni biology. Also of note are the highly efficient Arcsoni lungs adapted for an environment with an oxygen content noticeably lower than that of most 'idea' standards planets. Capable of inhaling enormous quantities of air through two purpose adapted airways the Arcsoni are able to operate in very low oxygen environments so long as a low minimum can be reached. [/hider] [hider=Military][b]Military:[/b] The AEI military is almost entirely composed of space forces and marines with limited ground capability as a result of both the entirely asteroid based home system of the AEI and experience gained from the Yusak wars. There are two distinct branches, the Space Navy and Naval Marines. [b]Naval Marines:[/b] The smaller cousin of the Space Navy the Naval Marines are responsible for ground attacks and ship security, a distinct branch most ships have a distinct NM ranking officer separate from their SN counterpart. [url=http://i.imgur.com/6PWBAnJ.jpg]General Infantry (G.I.)[/url] [i]The primary infantry of the AEI.[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/W6T8s7Q.jpg]Infantry Support Suit (I.S.S)[/url] [i]The most common armour to see supporting troops the I.S.S. is mass produced and seen as highly effective.[/i] [url=https://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/251/5/9/mech_by_nemanja_s-d6li1nr.jpg] Light Infantry Support Suit (L.I.S.S.)[/url] [i]A lighter version of the I.S.S the L.I.S.S. is primarily used against light armour and infantry.[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/6gdzrQC.png]Infantry Support Walker (I.S.W.)[/url] [i]The largest ground combatant used by the AEI the I.S.W. is a walker built around a single large Maser weapon used to defeat large enemy armour and fortificaitons.[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/ohGEOrW.jpg]Intra/Extra-Atmospheric Support Gunship (I/E.S.G.)[/url] [i]Heavily armed for suppression of ground targets and long range engagement of air targets the I/E.S.G. is the primary military landing ship and close support vessel of the AEI.[/i] [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/131/d/1/mt_4a1_liberator_by_steamtank-d7i1qq1.jpg]Infantry Support Tank (I.S.T.)[/url] [i]Seen as an older design but nevertheless a useful one the I.S.T. remains a major part of armoured combat.[/i] [b]Space Navy[/b] Based on new technology and still reconciling the tactics of the many nations that formed the AEI the Space Navy is rife with internal disputes. Still a focus on standardized equipment if nothing else has kept things from anything greater than a dispute among the admiralty. [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/274/b/0/starship_concept_vi_by_merbel-d2zuh5y.png]Light Escort Ship (L.E.S.)[/url] x34 [i]The main light combat and patrol ship of the AEI the L.E.S. prioritizes speed over all else and is only moderately armed. -450 Meters[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/vCygK5C.png]Medium Attack Ship (M.A.S.)[/url] x23 [i]Used to fill the mobility gaps left by the G.P.A.S. the M.A.S. is less armed but boasts immense acceleration for quick and powerful attacks. -880 Meters[/i] [url=http://i.imgur.com/L2mu3iU.png]General Purpose Attack Ship (G.P.A.S.)[/url] x12 [i]An attempt to standardize capital ships into a single class the G.P.A.S. is armed to the teeth and serves as both a ship to ship combat specialist and an anti drone/fighter platform. -1860 Meters[/i] [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/004/2/e/flags_and_guns_by_shimmering_sword-d4lbfg4.jpg]Super Heavy Attack Ship (S.H.A.S.)[/url] x1 [i]More a political statement than a true attempt to improve the military the S.H.A.S. is an enormous vessel that has for the past eight years served as the flagship of the Space Navy and as a symbol that the hardships of the past would never be allowed to recur. -2430 Meters[/i] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs29/i/2008/122/5/a/Brunhild_by_Tristiaa.jpg] Experimental Minimized Profile Vessel (E.M.P.V.)[/url] x1 [i]A recent innovation in cloaking technology has spawned this vessel, capable of removing its signature completely in optical and infra-red and minimizing it across all higher wavelengths.[/i] [/hider] [hider=History][b]History: [/b] Evolving on a near mirror to the Human home world of Earth the Arcsoni have had a long and often uneventful history. Where other species would wage wars in their early days it was a simple feat of geography that made this all but impossible for the Arcsoni. Originating on an island dominated by hot plains and centred in a vast ocean the Arcsoni were isolated and maintained a remarkably small population even after the dawn of agriculture and the rise of civilization. Indeed despite civilization arising nearly twenty eight thousand years ago the Arcsoni only underwent an industrial revolution some one or two thousand years past. This limited space and resources proved not only stifling to development but deeply unifying. Nations remained a foreign concept for the Arcsoni until colonies from the other continents began to demand independence, some centuries after their founding, and even then amicable relations and trade were a given. The status quo was peace, and while violence was not unheard of war was a totally foreign concept to the Arcsoni until two hundred years ago. It was first during the great push to colonize the Arcsoni home systems other planets that discord reared its head. Innocent enough by any other races standards piracy amongst trade lanes by radical groups started tension that would initiate first true large scale violence in Arcsoni history. Nations in support of the pirates agendas funnelled money into their exploits while other more traditional states sought to end the violence, a conflict that would culminate in the Pirate War and leave thirty million dead. Regardless the aftermath only hardened the victorious traditionalists dedication to peace, even if it came at the barrel of a gun. Resentment of the constant military presence to keep peace grew among nearly every traditionalist nations population and mixed with completely runaway pollution causing a nosedive in expected lifespan the seeds of change were sowed. That change came in the meteoric rise of the radical Yusak religion and the popular revolts that swept the home world in support of it. Advocating a complete reversion to the old ways and a rejection of the technology that had caused both the pollution and the wars, the religion was a complete departure from days past. What followed was horrific, with new theocracies understanding their religion could never come to pass if any advanced nations existed the first crusades in Arcsoni history were launched. For a hundred years there was a constant state of war between the Yusak nations coalition and most every other nation, and every day of it the Yusak gained ground. When the final nation belonging to the loose alliance against the Yusak nations eight billion people had died and the last bastion of resistance was a fleet composed of the remains of every defeated nations space navy and the innumerable evacuation ships they shepherded calling itself the Arcsoni Exodus Initiative. It was perhaps by luck that the first Arcsoni FTL engine was assembled on that fleet days before the Yusak meant to destroy it, and an act of sheer desperation that the engine was used to drag the entire fleet strapped together to another system before it had even been tested. The Yusak true to word abandoned their technology not long after by scrapping it all, and killing anyone who knew how to replicate it. Now free from the Yusak the fleet would find a system of endless asteroids, deprived of a planet and unwilling to risk taxing the nearly destroyed engine further it was decided that a new nation would arise among the stellar debris. Dug into asteroids and numbering in the billions the AEI still rebuilds eighty years later. Keenly aware that the peace they strive to crate is a delicate thing the AEI maintains absolute control, but to any who remembered the war life is a blessing and one all too many are prepared to board warships to protect.[/hider] [hider=Technology and Weapons][b]Weapons[/b] (P.I.W.) [i]The choice weapon of the Naval Marines is the banally named Primary Infantry Weapon. Designed for use at close to mid ranges while still holding long range capability the P.I.W. uses an internal hypercompressor to build up pressures high enough to fire projectiles at high speed. However it is not the P.I.W. that tells the real story, but its 20mm ammo. The fired projectiles are microcomputer guided gyroject rockets which drastically add to the initial speed when activated and are capable of dynamically seeking their designated target far outside the original aimpoint.[/i][/hider]