As much as Lugft hated the princess and her snide remark, he hated Wilhelm far more. It would be quite interesting to see Wilhelm duel his own royal protégé, but Lugft still needed a way to vent his anger. Then, as if the gods wished to answer his every prayer, Xrin Kiajer was eying the younger of his two brides "If you Wang her Xrin you have to go through me, so do you challenge me?" At first it seemed foolish for Lugft to egg Xrin into a challenge, seeing as Lugft had no weapons or armor and Xrin had both. But, Xrin was not as prepared to fight as Lugft new, and that would be Lugft's advantage. As Xrin nodded, before he could even draw Lugft cracked him square in the face, loudly breaking the smaller Drakken's nose. As he stumbled back, Lugft pounced at him like an enraged bear, smashing him again in the face, a blow sending him sprawling to the floor. Then, before he could get up, Lugft fell upon him and began driving his fists into Xrin's face. Savagely, Lugft just kept hitting, harder and faster, letting out all his rage with each time his fist drove Xrin's head into the floor. It didn't take long for Xrin to stop moving, but Lugft just kept punching, until all his rage had left him. By the end of it, Xrin was virtually unrecognizable, his face turned into a bloody mess. Before Lugft got up, he checked Xrin for a pulse, and began laughing maniacally as he stood up, with Xrin's helmet in his hand. "Xrin Kiager is dead by my hand, killed in a challenge for one if my brides. In the old ways I am now entitled to his claimed bride," gesturing to the blue haired and rebellious one. Walking over to his three brides he smiled, and looked to all 3 of his brides, still sprayed with the blood of Xrin, "I'm so sorry, I've been terribly rude, what are your names?" [@NarcissisticPotato] [@RomanAria] [@my Lalia]