[i][color=f6989d]Annaveya Kushrina[/color][/i] - [u]Pirate's Company[/u] Smoothly, the events transpired initially how she preferred them to. Parading the Pirate outside and into the open field, her fingertip tensed momentarily upon the trigger. She smirked lightly, there was nothing quite ending the already shortened lifespan of a privateer akin to Edoric. Much to her liking no less, it were much like how one felt crushing a bug beneath their heel. To her however, he was even less than that. Violent bastards like him were the reason why that her family had been forced to fight back. Then again, foolish little gnats like him were also the reason her family had become so inventive and successful alike. After all, there is nothing that forces invention quite so well akin to desperation. Desperation and cunning, both of which helped her family escalate to incredible lengths of naval strength, mercantilism, and outright power. In the end, it is only the Crown that overshadowed the Kushrina's presence in the skies. Thankfully both sides were on more than amiable terms, especially when the Kushrina fleet continued to be one of the main suppliers, and even reinforcements to the Royal Fleet in times of need. Though such need was only rare, it often came to a great profit for her family. That didn't matter now, what did matter was that the moment she was about to pull the trigger, Annaveya suddenly found herself under assault from a...banana? It struck her in the side of the neck and she stumbled, causing her to reel back about furiously just in time to see one of her company strike the fool in the back of the neck with a crossbow. Much like the useless sack of potatoes he was, the Pirate collapsed in an unconscious heap. Furious as she was, she had to give him credit. It took either a desperate, foolish, or brave man to try and flee from the numbers that surrounded him. That aside, it didn't matter. Unconscious or no, his life was forfeit unto her. Striding angrily forward, she bent forward to press the cold barrel of the pistol against his forehead. Thinking of how his funeral would be a closed casket ordeal in flight over the sea amused her, until a thought occurred in her mind. The entirety of her intelligence assets concerning the Tavern had been completely incorrect. Subtly, the hammer drew back upon the pistol again as she contemplated this. Slowly, a scowl grew across her lips as a man's life lay in the balance. Maybe he could be of additional use before she murdered him. He was a Pirate, he was due to know more of them; and there was no honor amongst petty thieves when their well-being was in balance. She had experienced such time and time again, after all. [color=f6989d]"Pick him up."[/color] Came a softened command from the Captain, glancing to the surrounding fourteen. [color=f6989d]"Strip him of his weapons and dignity alike, even down to the smallest fabric. Bag his head and tag him. He's coming with us."[/color] Awkward silence followed her at first, some of them looking at her in surprised disbelief; after all, it had been the first time the famous Kushrina had shown any quarter to a Pirate. Even upon surrendering, most had been executed on the spot with absolutely no mercy. Even still, the soldiers loyally followed her order. Stripping him down to his basic garments and taking his weapons from him. Restraining him to a litter via a series of ropes, the marched with the unconscious Pirate in tow back towards the main city. Two hours passed, and the massive dock complex that the Kushrina Family controlled could be seen in the distance. With the long, spear-like noses of the Viltgance Airships and the absolutely massive nose of [i]The Dauntless Wind[/i] poking out from their maintenance docks. Far beneath them, the thousands of Kushrina Mercantile maintenance employees went about their work devotedly, for the pay they were furnished was quite commendable to say the least. Up the walkways the group draped in black climbed, and not longer, Edoric would find himself in just a pair of underwear, no clothes at all, inside of a steel cell barred by a thick steel door. He was in holding, a prisoner of the Kushrina Mercantile Navy. Inside with him sat an unarmed Annaveya, with one leg folded over and her elbow resting on her chin, amused as she watched the Pirate stir and begin to wake. She was an odd ethnicity to behold, as it were one so closely aligned with her family line. Deeply tanned skin, crimson eyes and platinum hair beset upon a fair figure and even fairer face. Her beautiful voice curled forward in her family's middle eastern accent as she addressed him curtly. [color=f6989d]"Welcome aboard [i]The Dauntless Wind[/i], Edoric Thatch. I trust you find our [b]hospitality[/b] to be quite satisfactory?"[/color] It was a mocking, teasing question, to which Annaveya still held her light smirk. He had no mattress, no pillow, only a chilling metal board welded to the wall for his bare back to lay upon. [color=f6989d]"I come to you with a, well, unique opportunity for people like you. Would you care to hear it?" "Ah yes, I've been rude. I never introduced myself properly at the Tavern. I am Annaveya Maria Kushrina, Captain of [i]The Dauntless Wind[/i], and Northern Cross of the 2nd Kushrina Mercantile Navy Battlegroup."[/color]