[b]Name:[/b] Misaka Mikoto [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1130/4d360522b235452c88ca9dc11c56ff952e40e5e8.jpg?1174993[/img] [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Canon [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] To Aru Majutsu no Index/To Aru Kagaku no Railgun [b]Personality:[/b] Though often considered, because of her background and upbringing, to be someone of class and refinement, Mikoto honestly... isn't. Though she's generally quite a friendly and relaxed person, she's quite often childish and short-tempered. To make matters worse, she's quite prideful... which probably goes a long way towards explaining why she always tries to brush off her interest in childish things and gets quite embarrassed when it's brought up since, despite her reputation [i]and[/i] tomboyish streak, she particularly likes childish things... especially Gekota, which is a franchise specifically aimed at children (and hasn't stopped her from spending ¥10,000 on getting a badge from a random dispenser). Despite her flaws, she's got a heroic bent and when she knows of some trouble occurring, she tries to help out to the best of her ability, and seems to have trouble with the idea of asking other people for help, though that [i]has[/i] been improving... somewhat. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] [i][u]Railgun:[/u][/i] The third strongest of the seven Level 5 Espers in Academy City, Mikoto's Electromaster gets its own designation and a clue exactly what she does with it. It isn't, however, a straight power upgrade over the lower levels (though there's a considerable amount of that, too) as her fine control is also hugely superior to lower levels. She can manipulate and generate electromagnetic fields of all descriptions, as well as detect them with the unaided eye. This... has rather a lot of applications: [list][*][u][i]Offensively:[/i][/u] She can shoot you with electricity, which is the most obvious way anyone capable of manipulating electricity could attack. Though quite capable of replicating a lightning strike on your person, Mikoto dials it back for the obvious reason of not wanting to kill people. Should direct attacks fail for any reason, just piling metal onto you is an option, but she's also been known to produce a functional chainsaw-type weapon out of iron sand. Then there's the railgun itself: by generating magnetic fields as an actual railgun would, Mikoto can launch projectiles at (at least) Mach 3. Normally, this is a coin from an arcade with a limited range before it disintegrates, but it could be any bit of metal that's around, and thus possibly even faster.[/*] [*][u][i]Defensively:[/i][/u] Again, aside from the obvious 'blast it with electricity', she can deflect anything made of metal, and block much else using the scenery if there's anything in the way of scrap around. Oddly enough, her ability's most useful defensive benefit, given that she can't block anything, is that Mikoto can use it to stick to walls and the ceiling... thus giving her a lot more room to maneuver in. Or just pull herself out of the way of an oncoming attack, with the downside that it involves slamming into a solid object hard.[/*] [*][u][i]Utility:[/i][/u] The final set of uses? Hacking. If it's an electronic machine, Mikoto CAN hack it if she can get access to it--in the case of databases, this tends to be 'find a terminal or plug something into the network' so she can read it, but when it comes to giving robots or vending machines simple commands the answer is in the form of 'electrocute it in a very specific way'. It also allows her to artificially remove herself from all electrical surveillance.[/*][/list] The downside with this ability is that if she goes overboard, it tends to cause a blackout in the surrounding area. That, and it's pretty much all she knows how to do in a fight: she might be able to dodge and run, but it's her whole offensive repertoire. Kicking is saved for getting free drinks from a vending machine. [hider=Backstory] Initially a Level 1, Misaka's potential was noticed as a child, and researchers asked for a copy of her entire genome for 'medical purposes', which she only found out the true purpose of much later. Eventually, Mikoto became a Level 5 and started attending Tokiwadai Middle School, possibly not in that order. She also helped out in a bank robbery, saving the person that would later become her roommate/friend/fangirl/stalker. The next interesting thing to happen was an entity known as 'Level Upper', purported to increase the level of the Espers using it. This mostly lead to a series of fights with people thinking that their powers were much greater than they in fact were, until the mastermind behind it showed up--and, using the powers of everyone turned comatose through Level Upper, fought Mikoto. They lost, but produced a hideous foetus entity, which also got blown up. The Level Upper incident wasn't completely over, as the same person proceeded to cause a completely [i]different[/i] incident whilst pursuing their stated goal, though Misaka talked them down. Someone else then proceeded to announce they were going to use the children serving as the reason for both incidents for an experiment, and after a series of fights ended up defeated, despite using a mecha at the time. It was shortly after this that Mikoto kept being told that people thought they'd seen her in places she hadn't remembered being--attributed to clones, though she didn't believe this at first, even breaking into a lab to check and finding that the (original) project was cancelled. Meeting Misaka-9982 did, however, convince her that her DNA had in fact been used for cloning. After watching Accelerator kill that Sister, she attacked him... to absolutely no avail whatsoever. She then proceeded to spend several days single-handedly trying to destroy all of the lab facilities, after causing a vast number to explode via hacking, and got pretty close to pulling off destroying everything that she knew about, before the data and equipment was more widely disseminated. Somehow she got it into her head that having Accelerator kill her would spare the rest of the clones. Trying to blow up Touma to let her actually go do this didn't really work, so he went off and punched Accelerator in the face, which did seem to work. This got followed by, of all things, being with her friends when they find a random child, who turns out to be involved in yet [i]another[/i] experiment. In the process of saving said child from death by built-in poison, she let herself get paralysed temporarily, and this circuitously lead to destroying a missile falling from orbit. Her involvement in the Tree Diagram Remnant arc can be summed up as 'one of the people that stopped Kuroko being buried in a collapsing building'. [/hider] [b]Faction:[/b] None