[h2]Kithra[/h2] This whole thing was ready to blow and that much Kithra knew, she finished drawing strength from the earth and she took comfort in it, when she suddenly heard the the female Drakken talk to the girls that were a little down the line. She turned to see what was going on and she suddenly wished that she didn't. Her mouth dropped as she watched as the female Drakken began to beat one of her sisters with cool air about her. She was suddenly reminded of the ease of how a Drakken can move into a mode of violence. She looked away as she didn't wish to watch, and she cursed herself for being weak and not having a back bone to stop the female Drakken. [i][color=f49ac2]Don't be crazy she would do far worse to you![/color][/i] She thought though it didn't help her from feeling guilty. She shut her eyes and wished that she was invisible and just when she wished that she heard the voice of Wilhelm the Black call her. She felt her insides tighten and her body suddenly go into a panic, though she made sure that she didn't show it. She raised her head before taking a few steps forward and standing infront of the Drakken that called her. He made a movement with his finger for her to spin around so he could get a better look at her. She did as he commanded, all the time she felt like she might break down and cry but she kept those feeling deep inside. She would not let those emotions out, not infront of these brutes anyway. Kithra nodded slowly when Wilhelm said that he would claim her, but not as a wife. Though she didn't like the smile he gave her, a small relief came over her as she would be serving only his brides/wives, so she would be serving the princess. That wasn't so bad, maybe she would get attention or maybe he would forget about her and she could escape and make her way back home. She knew she could trust the earth to lead her home, it was always reliable not like people. [color=ec008c]"My name is.... is Kithra, but most call be Kitty, my Lord.[/color]" She said politely as she bowed a little to Wilhelm. But Kithra should of known she wouldn't get it so easy, as the prince spoke up. [i][color=f49ac2]Goddess WHAT![/color][/i] She thought as she looked at the prince with slight horror as she could see in his eyes that she would go through hell if he claimed her. She knew that Wilhelm wouldn't fight overly hard for her as she was an after thought to him. He simply chose her because he wanted a toy, something that he could break while he played a little bit more nicely with the princess. She looked at Anna, her jaw clenched and her breathing shallow. [i][color=f49ac2]She had to piss everyone off! I might of been left alone![/color][/i] She thought as she had seen two other Gem girls walk in. She might of just been a maid to Anna and nothing else, but no now she was going to be a toy that was going to be fought over and she didn't need the extra attention. "[color=ec008c]Your words hurt more than the Drakkens, dear Anna![/color]" She said in a moment of high emotion of anger and fear. She knew that if the prince won her she would undoubtedly be angry at the princess, as she would of ruined what little peace she might of had. She knew that her anger at the princess and calling her by her name instead of her title would please the Drakken's. As it showed slight disrespect, though there was little that the princess could do about it as they weren't in the Gem court. But she couldn't help it, as just a moment ago she was just a maid and a moment before that she had great hopes of going home. [@NarcissisticPotato] [@Feisty-Pants] [@Saltwater Thief] [hr] [h2]Tirza[/h2] [i][color=bc8dbf]So many surprises! This is so not boring![/color][/i] Tirza thought as she listened to what was happening over by the princess. And things were getting tense, if that caused tension she noticed one of the fire Gems getting beaten. She didn't hear what she said but she had a feeling that she was being too forward. From what she could gather some of the girls here were too lively, she was one of them. But she knew how to flatter and mock at the same time. She knew how to push others but in a way that they almost didn't realize that they were being pushed. But it didn't matter what she could do, it was the other girls being too forward that were getting into trouble. She didn't look at the girl that just got her ass whipped as she wouldn't want anyone looking at her if she was in her position. The creaking of the large door signaled that more were going to join them, she looked over to her right and saw two knew Gem girls. They looked nervous, which was understandable as being faced with monsters was a scary experience. She looked back at her claimer and noticed of him looking at the naked chested Drakkens brides. She went to grabbed his arm as she could tell that the other male was so close to blowing up in rage. But before she could the other Drakken took notice. [b]"If you Want her Xrin you have to go through me, so do you challenge me?"[/b] And like a fool she watched as her claimer Xrin nodded, he was going to fight an already pissed off Drakken for a bride that he didn't need. She quickly stepped away not wanting to get in the way of the brutes. She watched as the naked chest Drakken over took Xrin so easily, and how the other male was sent into a blood frenzy. He wasn't fighting to first blood, he was fighting to the death. It was such a shock that she actually covered her mouth with both hands, as being a Gem you [b]NEVER[/b] such violence, let alone death. To make it worse the large male didn't stop once Xrin stopped moving. [i][color=bc8dbf]Gods, he is dead! Why doesn't he stop?![/color][/i] She thought in horror. Once the "fight" was over she was once again surprised when the brute who won said that she was now his. She looked up at him while she slowly lowering her hands from her mouth, "[color=92278f]Well.... Shit.[/color]" She said before swallowing and slowly smiling. She was shocked yes, but she wasn't bound to the last guy so she was sort of okay. "[color=92278f]Politeness now my lord?[/color]" She asked as she looked at the dead body that was now getting cleaned up by the guards. "[color=92278f]I'm Tirza or Tears or what ever you wish to all me..... my lord.[/color]" She added as she looked up at the large Drakken and smirking before winking again. She suddenly realized that she would be a bride sister to the fire Gem that she wanted to be sister bride to. So it wasn't too bad, plus she was going to be a sister bride with another air Gem. So this should be okay, or it could be hell as the Drakken now had enough Brides to impregnate or kill. [@NarcissisticPotato] [@RomanAria] [@agentmanatee]