[color=fff79a][i]Well, the dark elf made twelve others. Twelve, plus one of me, is thirteen in total. Thirteen is a lucky number right? I can't remember. What else can't I remember? I know my name, and what I am, at least physically, but how I got here I can't say. Did I die with all these other creatures and get sent back for some reason? Why would I have been with any of these creatures when they died, and why would I have come here? Hmm, all of these were big people, I don't know why, but I don't like big people. I really don't like big people, they crush the ground beneath their feet, they raze the forests to plant dull weeds for them to eat. They burned and destroyed the beautiful places almost as soon as they found them, they hated sharing almost as much as they hated playing. ... Wait, where did all that come from? I can neither remember nor forget these things. I have no specific memories, but I do not doubt that everything I remember is true and has happened. Perhaps I should leave before the big people notice me, but most of them are staring at the statue on which I rest. Perhaps they thought I was merely an insect or a leaf, others had made that mistake. When had that been? Never mind that, focus on getting away for now. Dare I risk moving, can fly fast enough to escape them if they do notice me? I doubt it, my muscles feel sore and ill-used. I'd only done a little flying earlier, surely that hadn't worn me out... Drat the Dark Elf, she peers to closely for my liking, surely she sees me by now. Which rules out escaping... Next option, trick them! I love playing tricks, especially on big people. But trick them into what? I doubt I could get them to kill each other, perhaps I can pass myself off as a messenger of the godess on whom I sit! Whom do I sit on? Drat it all! I don't know enough myself, to play any good tricks. Hmf, I suppose I shall have to sit here and hear what I can. Maybe they will tell me enough to play a good trick![/i][/color]