[b]Name:[/b] No-Point [b]Race:[/b] Human (Round ears) [b]Appearance:[/b] The warlord known only as No-Point is a big guy. He stands at approximately six foot three and is built like a brick outhouse. His face is always hidden by a bandit mask. His hair is sparse and thinning, revealing that he may be older than his strength implies. Notably, his rounded ears are always on display, revealing him to be a subset of human always thought lost to history. His clothes are thick and rough, his jacket long, but removing it he reveals his huge, bare arms. He possesses a greatsword on his back which he has never been seen to use. [b]Cliches:[/b] Terrifyingly Powerful [5] - No-Point is outrageously strong and intimidating. Someone punching him poorly is likely to break their hand. His fists are like giant meat-covered anvils. In addition to his size, No-Point has somehow received training in the ways of the Sheikah. He is not only strong, he is fast, precise and ferocious in his fighting technique. The end result is, not only is he a combat monster, but a terrifying man, gaining followers on fear alone. Unexpectedly Clever [3] - For a brute, No-Point has a very canny mind. He is capable of strategy, tactics and logistics and a skilled orator. He speaks far more eloquently than one would expect of a warlord. Born Into The Tumult [2] - The Tumult has been No-Point's home since birth. It is his domain, he has braved its many horrors, and very little information gets past him while he is there. Moblin Army [2] - No-Point has beaten an army of Moblins into his service. They are typical Moblins that will follow him as his entourage. No-Point keeps them in line through fear. [b]Personality:[/b] The best way to describe No-Point's personality is 'clinical'. He is stoic, methodical, and slow to anger. His methods are pragmatic, rarely defined by emotion. While he speaks eloquently, it is rare that he raises his voice in anger. As a result, he is very capable of playing the long game as he possesses patience far beyond most other warlords. Don't be fooled, though. No-Point is still very self-serving and only looks out for himself. [b]Backstory:[/b] The man now known as No-Point has a past shrouded in mystery. As a round-eared human had not been seen for many years, where he came from is a mystery. His true name is unknown, or even if he had one in the first place. Rumour has it that he trained under the remnants of the Sheikah, but no one had heard from the Sheikah in years. What is known, though, is that he earned his name from the screams of the Moblins as he killed them one by one, entering their culture as a terrible demon, possessing ears with no point. As a clear demonstration of natural selection, No-Point fought his way into leadership of a Moblin tribe by beating the everloving crap out of everything in his way. At some point during his travels, he obtained a greatsword similar to Biggron's Sword, but he never used it in his conquest. Instead, it served as a symbol of his leadership. Now, with his Moblin army hidden away from the rest of the Tumult, he plots. He has designs on the Fortress, and Ganondorf within. The question is, what are they?