Honestly, not everyone has something that they feel guilty about, and I find that kind of an odd field to have. Having every character have that listed is going to push the RP towards melodrama, since everyone will have to work something their character regrets into their backstory. Besides, a regret doesn't always result in a feeling of remorse, the few things that I could say I regret actually fill me with a burning anger and a desire to go beat the shit out of a specific individual who basically conned me out of my entire life. Anyway, the character I wanted to do was a sort of mercenary voodoo lizardman necromancer / witchdoctor that used the spirits of the dead (both cooperative and uncooperative) to fuel / perform his magic, so if there's low / no magic in this then I'm probably gonna duck out. The high fantasy thing made me assume high magic, since I've always seen those go hand in hand. The whole discussion of the conflict between the two nations also made me think that conflict was going to be more central to this, but from what you're saying it's sounding kinda like combat wouldn't be playing as much of a role as I had previously understood.