[quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] OMG SHE IS BACK!!! OMG!! you just could stay away form her XD You already know XD What do you mean by weak? Yes it is happening! -------- Okay posted the Ic ^^ Lets start! Also in some roommates you can live near the school so dorms is not needed if that the case Okay from the randomise picker for the roommates! We get.... Penn and Edward in dorm 102 Jess and Bael in dorm 304 (goodluck dealing with him >.>) Marci and Kate in dorm 211 Zen and Winni in dorm 109 Katya and Aaron in dorm 405 [/quote] LOL Poor Katya she going to have heart attack the moment she knows she pairs up with a boy. Also Destiny Ken is a a dirty Blondie not a red head.