Here are my characters+ 1. [hider=Grimm] Name: N/A Nickname: Grimm Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: He's around 5'11 with piercing ice blue eyes and shaggy, silver hair that looks like it hasn't come near a brush in years. His skin is rather pale due to lack of sun exposure, and his face is fairly angular. He's body is rather athletic, and he bears several scars on his body, most due to training, but one or two are from self-inflicted injuries. When left to his own devices, he'll wear his Reaper outfit, which is a set of black leather armor, with black metal plates covering his more vital areas, as well as some slightly gothic styled gauntlets, greaves, and the trademarked Reaper cloak, complete with a badass hood. When he has to be around the living, however, he just chooses what ever he can find, tending to keep the colors dark so that he can sneak around better in case something reaper-ish comes up. Usual get up is black shirt, some sort of jacket, jeans, and iron-toed combat boots. Powers: Grim is a Grim Reaper, or at least he will be in the future, which allows him to see, interact with, speak to, and control the spirits of the dead. He can also see peoples souls, able to glean what they're actively thinking about, their general mood, how they feel about certain people, and whether or not they are human. Judgement is a Reaper's most valuable skill, as it allows them to look deeply into the souls of the living and from there one can read a person's sins. For the untrained Reaper this is a two-way street, however, as it connects the soul of the reaper and the victim. If used, then said reaper will gain an understanding of the person and that person will gain an understanding of them. Due to the nature of this technique, it's usually impossible to learn until one has been properly trained, but Grim managed to learn it himself through trial and error, as well as natural skill. He also has a scythe as his main weapon, which help him channel and control his offensive abilities, which can be summoned at will from where ever it is and is stored in a pocket dimension when not in use. Using the souls of the dead, which he traps with in special gems embedded in his scythe, he can gain a variety of abilities depending on how the person whose soul he is using died. He currently has access to: Death by burning(Grants pyrokinetic abilities) Level of mastery: Intermediate, he can summon large fire balls and control them at will, as well as form them into basic constructs. Death by drowning(Hydrokinesis)Level of mastery: Lower intermediate, he can freely control and shape water, but he can pressurize it properly, and any attempt to try usually ends up blowing up in his face. Blown off a mountain(Aerokinesis) Level of mastery: Apprentice: He can use it to exert force in front of him, as well as re-direct winds slightly. Exsanguination(Haemokinesis and Vampiric Traits) Level of mastery: Low apprentice He can control the blood in his body to make spikes come from his skin and his body become slighty more durable. Devoured by wolves(Partial Lycanthropy) Level of mastery: Intermediate He gains accelerated healing, advanced senses, improved physical capabilities, and Lupine Physical characteristics Poisoned(Ability to create numerous poisons, toxins, and venoms) Level,of mastery: apprentice. Can make dissolvable shards that can be lengthened to use as weapins and projectiles. All poisons will be lavender-colored. available poisons are moderate paralysis, weak sleep poison, moderate numbing poison Shot to Death(Extremely good at marksmanship and ability to create guns and viable ammunition) Level of mastery: Apprentice, can summon handguns and revolvers He can only use one gem at a time, and switching between gems takes 15 secs. Weakness: What the hell are you?: Grim has never talked to or been within a mile of a living female for a majority of his life. This makes him somewhat curious of them, and thus is why he'll talk to,a girl sooner than hell talk to a guy. However, his curiosity has been known to overstep a few bounds, and other times lead him into compromising situations. Naturally, these events make it so that he wants to be around the living even less, but his curiosity keeps him from fleeing to the local graveyard. The Reapers Cost: A requirement for soul channeling, as Grimm's magic is known as, is that one must experience the death of the soul they channel every time they channel it. Grim is the first Reaper to use this magic type in over 5 millenia, as the effects of experiencing death over and over again takes a toll on the mind rather quickly. Immortality-intolerance: Grimm bears something akin to an allergy to Immortals, as when ever they are near he gets a headache, his nose starts to get stuffy, and he becomes very irritable. "Why can't the living be like the dead, Quiet": He doesn't interact well with having to talk to people, having spent most of his life around silent bones and corpses for company. This leads him to hardly ever initiate a conversation and made him kind of a ditz, as he likes to spend his time off in his own little world. Clueless: Grim, doesn't have much experience with people, or anything related to normal society, even some of the most basic things. Such things like personal space, manners, or how to use a T.V. This lack of knowledge is part if the reason he was sent to Orean Cause, so he can experience these things for himself and forced to interact with people. It's easier to guide souls into the afterlife when you have good people skills. Skills: Sports, Academics, Drawing, Painting, Fencing, Scythe fighting, Parkour, and Card Games Hobbies: Dueling, Drawing, and Painting Personality: Grim can be rather stoic at times, rarely showing emotions greater than a bit of dry sarcasm and wit. He's also a curious individual, tending to observe things that bear his interest, the main thing being the living. He feels that the best way to understand something is through observation of them in their natural setting. When applied to people, this can be misconstrued as stalking. This differs greatly during anything reminscent of a ball or a party. In such settings, he acts like the perfect gentlemen due to his strict social training by ghosts of the 17th Century upper crust. Bio: Grim has been sent to Orean Cause in order to take care of his social issues and to get him used to dealing with the living. Likes: Dead people, his scythe, being by himself, quiet, peace Dislikes: Immortals, the living, talking to energetic people, being in a crowd, being forced to interact with others Clubs: Arts and Fencing Clubs Dreams:To become a Grand Reaper, like his father [/hider] [hider=Revan] Appreance: [hider=This, but with black hair and red eyes] [img][/img] [/hider] Name:Revan Lyone Nickname: Rev, Sadist Bastard, the Security guy you don't want to piss off Age: "I existed su=ince before the Heavens were even a thought, I lost count a long damn time ago." Race: Primordial Demon God, Sealed and bound to the planet and physical form by the gods to keep him from destroying the universe, at least at first. Pretty sure they've forgotten his existence by now Gender: Generally Male, but as a being with no set form, he's changeable Powers: Domination: When he was at his prime, anything he saw was under his control, now he can only control animals with ease. To others, his voice holds a very powerful sense of suggestion that tugs on the mind in a way they won't even notice unless they are skilled in abilities of like context. Thus, he's very hard to refuse, but he can still be refused through force of will, though it won't be easy. This ability can be turned on and off, so that bad things don't happen when he says something like, 'Go fuck yourself'. Yeah, that would be very bad. Mostly used to get others to do his work for him, or convince beautiful ladies to come with him to bed. Some may say this is immoral, Revan tells those people to take a long walk off a short pier with this ability activated. Now there is only silence Shapeshifting: While Revan has to take a physical form, he's free to change it up as he likes. He can become anything and anyone he wishes, though it's usually too much work to change his form, so he hardly uses this ability. Immortal Body: His body can regenerate from any injury, killing him is not possible, and he can only feel pain from things that are meant to hurt demons. He's also immune to disease and keeps and keeps his well-toned body while living off of the worst food imaginable and never working out. Oh, he doesn't really need to eat, but he likes the way it feels going down. Thinks it's weird. Also, he's extremely fast, strong and durable. so fighting him seriously can end badly, However, getting him to actually fight you is the had part Demon Forms: He can take on forms of power that give him access to magic. This is something he only figured out recently, so he only has two forms, and those took him a thousand years each to unlock. Could probably do it faster, but again, too much effort is required. Darkness Incarnate Form: [hider=Darkness descending] [/hider] Control of darkness and ability to turn it into weapon and constructs, limited by the seal so that he can't flood the city with it, but he can summon a considerable amount. This darkness also has a corrupting influence on it, and if enough seeps into a person, they will be subject to a second of unimaginable pain before a construct of darkness is born that is their opposite in everyday possible, except for physical. These constructs can only be sent away by Revan, or being shone on by a extremely intense source of light, and will follow around the one they come. THey'll eventual gain color after a set amount of time and began acting away from the person, until finally they become their own person, after a total of 4 days. Once that happens, they become flesh and good and impossible to send away. Hellfire Incarnate Form: [hider=This, but wreathed in black flame along his shoulders] [img][/img] [/hider] This allows him to summon and control a black flame that can burn souls as well as flesh, though this causes no real damage to a person and instead etches away at their emotions. This can be undone by drinking Revan's blood while in this form, which is glowing and golden like heavenly ichor. Also, these flames are excellent at repelling ghosts and spirits, as it would eat away at their essence if they get too close. To such beings, the flames give them a sense of intense dread and their being tells them to go the other way entirely. Finally, it deals more damage to those of Demonic and Angelic blood, though doesn't even touch those who bear both, Revan believes that the blood in his veins is like a counteractive that allows him to use this ability, allowing him to safely use the flames. If enough of it is used, it can even kill Angels and Demons, though in his present state, the amount required to do that is rather large. Primordial Mind: It's not a good idea to try and look into/interact with his mind and soul, it is incomprehensible and will only end up shattering your mind to pieces. Unless one can understand the madness and chaos that existed in the void of nothingness that existed before the beginning of anything, than they are in for a hell of a trip. Negative Aura: Revan gives off an aura that brings out the worst in people, however it is greatly weakened in his present state and thus can only make people slightly more prone to their worst qualities around him, This doesn't affect demons and angels. Weakness: Anything made specially to hurt demons, not just holy items, his laziness, completely unmotivated to do anything except what's necessary to support his son, easily side-tracked by anything that speaks to his vices, which equates to Booze, Babes, ways to get out of doing something, torturing some poor sap. Skills: Sleeping, a good manipulator, being a jerk, Cooking when he feels like it, delegating work to others, Fighting, as he an uncountable about of experience to call upon in a fight. Hobbies: Sleep, fucking with students, just plain Fucking, indulging in his vices, napping, Personality: Revan, as he call himself in this period of time, is a lazy fuck and is just a step above a dead beat. He has been living for a long ass time, and has wasted his hatred, anger, and all the other negative and psychotic emotions a demon can go through. In general, he's just bored with life for the most part, and prefers to just sleep it by. However, he has gained an annoying emotion from his time on earth around dumb humans. Sentiment and a small inking of consciousness. This causes him to actually care for people, though it does take some effort to get him to do so. But once he does, there isn't a single thing on this earth that can save you from his wrath if you hurt them. Not even kidding, he'll kill you and not think twice about it. Background: He's been in the world for a fucking long time, and has done a lot of things. However, he suddenly finds himself with a son that he suddenly finds himself caring about. So, as a new father he needs a job to take care of the kid. After 13 years of job after job and countless moves, he's found himself at Orean Cause with his son Xavier, who he enrolled into the school because why not. Optionals: (anything else you want to add here, you have an option to put it or not such as in likes and dislikes) Likes: -Sleeping -Women -Sex -Messing around with Students -being an ass -Being a father, strangely -his son -People with a weak will Dislikes: -people who bother him -working -moving -standing -people interrupting his peace and quiet -Trouble makes, cause he has to actually deal with them -OVerly exictable people Theme song: Job: Security Guard, works both shifts, lives on the grounds Dreams: N/A [/hider] [hider=Xavier] Appreance: [img][/img] He's around 5'7 Name: Xavier Lyone Nickname: Xavi(Aleida), X(himself, thinks its cool), Rubt(by his dad) Age: Just turned 13 Gender: Male Powers: Has chance to gain more powers as time goes on Subconscious Omniscience: He knows everything, being connected to the primordial fabric of the universe, but has no direct access to it. It comes to him in the form of hyper-analytical deduction. Basically, he can know everything about someone just by talking with them for a few minutes. This only works with non-primordial beings, so anything below a god. Has no idea he has this ability, just thinks he's really good at analyzing stuff Negative Aura: When he gets frustrated or angered, he releases an aura that brings out the worst in people around him, causing whatever darkness they harbor to become greatly exaggerated. Lesser Primordial Mind: Similar to Revan's, except that it's easier for people to understand. Gives him resistance to abilities and magic that deals with the mind and Soul. Weakness: Chivalry: Xavier is a stern believer of chivalry, and thus has the utmost respect for all women, and a dislike of perverts, however, this makes him very easily manipulated by those of the fairer sex, whether it be by playing the victim or simple flirting, he has no defenses. Clashing blood: Xavier's demon blood tends to stir at times, and this causes Xavier greta pain and headaches, as well as making him very much insane for a few minutes. During these episodes, Xavier is vary dangerous to be around due to unpredictability of his actions, but is also a danger to himself as he has attempted to commit sucicide a number of times during and after these episodes, to no avail. Secrets; Xavier, despite being the son of a demon lord, has no knowledge of the magical world, or any ideas about how to use his powers. With his abilities beginning to act out in earnest as he enters adolesence, he's very scared and very desperate for answers. He's very much willing to do almost anything in order to make some sense out of what's happening to him, even if he has to make a deal with the devil Skills: Dealing with his dad's antics have given him an ungodly amount of patience for people. Hobbies: None, really, he's been to focused on trying to keep his dad out of trouble. Personality: Xavier is a nice kid, if somewhat shy and nervous unless he's dealing with his dad. Due to him always being on the move, Xavier has never had many friends, if any, and he always ends up having to leave them. This has made him very closed off to making friends with others, as he never knows how long he's going to be in any particular place. Background: He came to the school because his dad works here. It seems nice, and it woyld let him keep an eye out for his dad, making sure he stays out of trouble. Likes: -His father when he's actually serious -Aleida -Video games -Manga -Reading Dislikes: -His father the rest of the time -Perverts -People who treat women badly -People who can't control themselves -His psychotic episodes -His darker thoughts Theme song: Clubs:None yet, but he might join one later Dreams: To make his dad a productive member of society [/hider] [hider=New Character Aleida Lyone] Appearance: [img][/img] [hider=Alt. Forms] Adult Form:[img][/img] Dragon Form:[img][/img] [/hider] Name: Aleida Lyone, as given by Xavier upon finding Nickname: Allie Species: Silver Dragon Age: Actual age: O years and 2 weeks Physical and Mental Age: Varies between forms. Default form is mentally and Physically a child of around 7 - 9 years of age, Adult Form is mentally and physically 21, though the Mental parts between these two can switch at random due to Aleida's lack of proper magical control. Dragon Form is the actual age physically, and 7-9 years old mentally. Sex: Female Powers: Wish granting: Silver Dragon are better known as Wishing dragons due to their connection to the Ether, allowing them to make miracles happen if another so desires. However, this power has limits, as it cannot affect living beings directly in ways that are malicious or harmful. She also can't cause people to change their behavior or current love interest either, though she can induce some suggestions. Aledia can grant a maximum of 3 wishes per day, given that she is still unaware of how to use her magic, and she isn't very good at directing it either. Any wish asked of her, whether intended or not, she will automatically grant but the way it will be granted is unknown. Ancestorial Memory:Only available in her adult form, it allows one to access the memories of all of their ancestors in order to gain knowledge needed at a moments notice. This can only be activated temporarily for the maximum of one hour, upon the end of which the young dragon will return to normal. A side effect of this is that she will immediately lose consciousness afterwards and will not remember anything that transpired during this period of time. This power is only activated on instinct when the young dragon is in danger, forcing them to pour their energy in to accelerated aging. More may come as she develops, as Silver Dragons tend to gain magical abilities later on in life Weaknesses: Has a innate hoarding and territorial nature, has little to no control of her powers, can be easily manipulated in her Human and Dragon forms, has a fear of the color gold due to ancient rivalry Silver Dragons with the more aggressive and belligerant Gold Dragons, Personality: She's very childish and mischievous no matter what form she is in, and is likely to pull a prank on people when given the chance. Despite this, she is very eager to help people with their problems. She is also very empathetic to people, able to discern ones mood just by being close to them. Skills: Granting Wishes, More to be developed Hobbies: Messing with Xavier, Granting Wishes, making people happy, drawing Background: She technically isn't enrolled in the school, as she is a stowaway brought in by Xavier. She was discovered by the young Lyone at his Father's last place of work as a guard for at an archaelogical dig. Revan thought it was just a weird silver rock and wanted to leave it, but Xavier though it was cool and convinced his dad to take it home with them once they left. That was around two years ago, and two weeks ago, Xavier was home alone when the egg hatched, bring a small dragon hatchling into the world. Xavier drew close to it, only to rear back in pain as the hatchling nipped his outstretched hand, drawing blood. This caused the dragon to imprint on Xavier. A week later, she begun to switch between her Dragon form and Human form, and began to grant some of Xavier's wishes, if they are within her power. When ever they are in class, Aleida stays inside of Xavier's backpack or jacket in her Dragon Form, but otherwise she walks around in her human form for the most part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionals: The horn she has in her human form can be hidden from view by Magic, but it's still there and is very sharp so it can be dangerous to be around her. Likes: Xavier, Sweets, Chocolate, Toffee, playing pranks, making mischief, messing with Revan Dislikes: Anything golden, people who are mean to Xavier Theme song: Clubs:None Dreams:To help other's achieve their dreams [/hider]