The art room was a nice change of pace, Ricki had to admit, and she sat there staring at the page in her journal. She began spacing out, her mind wandering. [I]The Music was thumping, loud, and the deck was full of people dancing, drinking, and having an all around good time. It was relatively nice to see, but all at once, Ricki wasn't having a good time herself. Her mind was heavy, and even watching the fireworks had cheered her up. Her beer in hand, She sighed, continuing to watch as this party continued on at full speed. "And why are you looking so down?" The male voice came as a bit of a surprise, but her head turned to see Gabe taking the vacant seat beside her. "Its the Fourth of July, you're surrounded by friends, and your brothers are in for a visit." "Just thinking. You know, all that shit with David. I didn't think he was serious about it, but I guess he was. How did her go from so nice to super douche?" She said, and Gabe threw an arm around her as she took another drink. "I told you once football came in, he'd change. And the fact you won't let him into your pants pisses him off to no end. He feels entitled to ALL of you." He said, "I mean, he really isn't used to not getting his way." Ricki's eyes rolled. "I'm not like that." "Don't you think I know?" Gabe asked, and she gave a knowing look. "Hey now, just saying, we were almost a thing once." "Yeah, but you didn't want what I did if you remember." She said, and he chuckled. "What can I say? Your brothers scare the shit out of me." That got a light smile. "There we go." "Shut up." She said, and he stood and took her beer and set it down before pulling her to her feet. "What are you doing?" "We're going to dance, and you're going to forget all of this David drama." He told her, and she let him pull her out to the makeshift dance floor and she started dancing with him. "Why are you being so nice?" She asked, trying to speak over the music was a little hard. "Because, I get where you're at. Where do you think Erin and I were a couple months ago?" He pointed out, and Ricki nodded a bit, turning herself to fully face him once a slow song came on. It was odd, but it seemed to be in popular demand, and Ricki could feel her half tipsy self stumbling a bit as she danced with him. At least he was there to keep her up. "Gabe?" She asked, and he looked.down to her. "What?" "Do you ever regret it not working?" She asked, but before he could answer she.managed to catch him in a kiss.[/I] "Earth to Ricki!" Krista exclaimed, waving her hand in her face. Ricki blinked and jumped a bit, noticing that Jared was sitting in the room now. "Sorry, kinda zoned there." She apologized, and Krista nodded. "Obviously. You need to check your phone, super puss is trying to get you to answer him." She said and Maureen laughed. "I'll answer him later." She said, and she looked to Jared. "This is what I have so far, I just wanted some input before I finished it up." She heard the Art room door open and Krista's voice made her look up. "She really doesn't want to talk to you." Go figure, it was Gabe, but he came in anyway. "Busy." She said, and he looked to her before she looked away. "What the hell?" He asked. "What I've been thinking, but really, I'm busy. Kind of have an AP English project. Don't you too?" She spat and he looked at her before she sighed. "I'll be around after your practice. Adam's car is in the shop, so I have to pick him up for our tutoring session." With thay she had dismissed his presence from her mind, even if he was still standing there, and Maureen walked up. "Now, out. We are avoiding drama, and you're just riddled with it." She said, and she and Krista practically shoved him out the door. Ricki was having a hard time focusing, and she finally acted on it. They had maybe fifteen minutes left of lunch, so she pulled her apron from the door and started working on the rest of the first backdrop. "You're going to have to excuse Ricki, she tends to be a little out in left field when she's mad." Krista explained, But Ricki spoke. "Not mad, just really sick of this shit." She pointed out and Maureen nodded. "Change in topic! So, what is going on after winter formal?" She asked, and Krista laughed. "Nothing much can, it's like the one weekend Ricki's parents are actually in town. Want to get millions of pictures of their little girl." Krista laughed. "Her mom is still pissed that she's going stag." Maureen laughed. "What'd your dad say?" Ricki stopped and turned, and she cleared her throat. In a mock deep voice she responded, "Now, young lady, I know you're almost an adult, but remember you are still my little girl. Remember to say no to alcohol and if a guy tries anything you call me." At this point Krista was nearly on the floor and Maureen was leaning on Carl. Ricki was sure the guys were confused, but Krista cleared it up. "Your dad? Guys should be more afraid of" "I don't want any of the guys around my mom." Ricki laughed before she finally found it in herself to sit back down, feeling a little better. "I'm sorry about this," She said to Jared and Carl. "We're random as hell." -- Ricki was glad once lunch was over, and the rest of her day nearly flew by. She still Getting.comments, but once she got in her car and headed home, a weight lifted off her shoulders. Once in the door of her house, she turned on the stereo, blast in some of her music. Flyleaf was the first thing that came on as she stripped out of her clothes, heading to her room and changing into a pair of her sweatpants and a white t-shirt. She pulled her hair up, singing and dancing around the empty house, trying to keep her.mind off things until her phone rang without looking she answered. "Hello?" "I didn't think you'd answer." She paused near instantly. It was David. "Can we talk? Like really talk?" He seemed calmer, his voice quieter. "Where?" She asked, putting him on speaker as She entered the bathroom and began washing her face. "City Park." He said, and she sighed. "I'll be there in ten minutes." With that she hung up, and she slid into a pair of shoes before grabbing her keys and heading to the park. He wasn't hard to spot, his face a bit bruised and his nose looking worse for wear. She got out of her car and walked over to him, and she crossed her arms. "You wanted to talk?" She asked. "Look, I can't say I'm sorry for what I did, because I'm not, but I have to know, why?" He asked. "Why what, David?" She asked. "Gabe." He said. "Do you know how miserable I was? Gabe was nice to me, and I was drunk. What happened, happened, it was supposed to stay in the past, but it obviously didn't, but oh well." She said, and he nodded. "Why Jared?" "Come on, Ricki, I know you aren't that dumb." He said. Ricki gave a look and he continued. "It was the way he looked at you that first day." "Because of a goddamn look? You nearly run him over because of a look?" She asked, and he looked away. "You really are a piece of work, you know that? News flash, David, the world does not revolve around you, and the fact you think it should is pathetic and I feel sorry for you." She turned to walk away, but he grabbed her arm, and she looked to him. The lookout f anger was apparent. "Don't you walk away." "David, I'm done. I have my own shit to deal with because.of this, and because of you, people who shouldn't be involved are now." She went to move, but he didn't release her arm. "What are you going to do? Hit me? Throw me down? Bully me around because I am saying no? Because you don't deserve whatever it is you want from me?" He was starting to hurt her arm, but a car horn caused him to let go, and she near ran to her car and took off, heading towards the hockey practice. She would just wait in the parking lot for Adam, knowing that heading home.wouldn't comfort her any. The minutes just flew by and before she knew it, She saw the first of the hockey players leaving, and she going out and leaned against the hood of her car. It wasn't long before Gabe came out, and his eyes looked down to her arm. "What happened to your arm?" He asked, and Ricki looked down and there was a bruise there. Fuck. She didn't want to have to explain that.