[h3]Penn[/h3] Penn grumbled in pain, what a great start…he stood up and touched his forehead, it stung a little but it wasn’t pure terror. “I-I am f-fi-fine…” He looked away from the guy, trying to avoid and eye contact, he was freaking afraid of guys, how can he survive his school life now…how can he work now?! First stage of his fear stuttering, second stage twitching. He doing both the same time, he was stuttering and twitching the hell, his roommate must think he is some sort of a freak but whats to bother with that? He walked towards is bags that were beside the couch and opened his art bag, he got the folder with all of his manga pages he was done for the chapter and his pencil case but once luck didn’t favor him some of pages flew out of the folder and scattered the room. “Y-you got to be k-k-idding me?!” Penn frantically began to get the pages, hoping his roommate see whatever he draws or does.