Name: Serola Race: Zora Appearance: Standing at 5 foot 9 Serola is relatively tall, he is built slender but with visible muscles. Like most Zora's he doesn't wear clothes and is covered in silver scales with dark blue spots at he extremities. His hand and feet are webbed and he has the for Zora's common eye color of purple. Cliches: [list] [*] At home in the water [3] As a Zora is not only an excellent swimmer he can breath underwater. When in his element he makes use of the additional maneuverability. [*] Spear wielder [3] Serola fights with a spear made from the bones of a predatory fish. [*] Electrocution [2] Serola can surround himself with an effective bio-electric barrier, which has both offensive and defensive properties. [*] Negotiator [2] As a Zora Serola makes a good negotiator, whether it's haggling for a better price or making some other kind of deal. [*] Culture buff [2] While Serola's area of expertise is Zora culture he at least knows something about every major culture Hyrule has. [/list] Personality: While Serola isn't the most talkative creature in the world he does care about his friends. He can be quite stubborn at times, most often this involves Gorons which he with a few exceptions distrusts. He also deeply respects Zora culture and takes any insults to it personally. Backstory: Serola loved the Hylian Everglades but he had always felt the urge to explore and see the world something his parents weren't too happy with. They however did accept this trait of him and did their best to help prepare him for his eventual journey while also teaching him about his culture. On his eighteenth birthday his parent surprised him with a spear and more then enough rupees to buy a ticket in a caravan and with that as well as some supplies to make a living he set off.