[u][b]Michiko Yamato-Warakuma High Class 3-3- Monday 20/4/15 Morning[/b][/u] Michiko was reading a book regarding world history. She was interested and fascinated by how much the world was different back then. Michiko wondered if she could ever live in such an era after almost two decades living in comfort in the present time. It was then she heard an announcement being made. It was regarding Matthew Yamamoto, a classmate of hers. It would seem he was finally found safe and sound. Michiko smiled to herself knowing one of her classmates did not meet an untimely demise or something just like... Michiko shook her head. [b]"I should focus on my work...not flashbacks..."[/b] And so, the school day starts for Michiko. [hr] [u][b]Michiko Yamato-Warakuma Mall- Monday 20/4/15 After School[/b][/u] And it ended not long after. Michiko was now at the mall to pick up some ingredients for dinner. Living alone means she needed to do everything herself. She was initially planning to head to Junes but remembered she needed to buy a new notebook for personal use...make then several new notebooks. One for financial records, schedules, school, etc. Ever since her grandfather died a few years back, she had to look after the shrine by herself. Her father offered to pick her up and return home but she refused. No way she was going back to the family household. The reason for that...would save that for another time. Anyway, Michiko was heading to the book store when she saw people gathering around for some reason. Moreover, she heard somebody screaming. Curious, she walked towards where the crowd of people to find out what was going on. Two young men, one of them was not wearing a shirt for some reason, she recognized to be from her highschool were posing ridiculously. She noticed two girls there too and their nose were bleeding. Michiko noticed other people in the crowd holding their noses. She recalled these kind of scenes happen in anime and manga but never thought it was possible to happen in reality. Michiko wondered why her nose was bleeding. Maybe it was because she was focusing more on the weirdness of the scene unfolding in front of her instead of the two young men in their silly poses. The shrine maiden fought back her urge to laugh. The security guards should really come soon before things get even weirder. Michiko went over to the blonde girl, who was wearing some kind of unique outfit, who was still covering her face. [i]Is this what people call...cosplay? [/i] [b]"Are you alright?"[/b] asked Michiko with a look of concern on her face. She then gave a pack of tissues to the girl. [b]"You should wipe that nosebleed before it ruins your outfit."[/b]