"Well assuming we're not from the same 'world' it went how I assume yours went. When Setsuna was ambushed by Graham Aker and his squadron me and my brothers helped him out of the struggle. However Lockon Stratos was injured severely in the battle and his machine was barely recoverable. To stem the tide Celestial Being agreed to work with us as we were also being hunted by a guy with red hair. He attacked us but was driven back by Setsuna before he could do much. You were there with us piloting the Gundam O in replacement for Lockon Stratos. Together we fought off a united group of enemies. Me, Lockon, and Allelujah Haptism were patrolling a strange signal when we blanked out. I don't know what else there is worth noting. I suppose since you're piloting Exia that something happened to Setsuna?" grumbled Trinity as Puru toyed with her food. "Do you understand what they're saying?" grumbled Puru to Donna.