If you are unfamiliar with Game of Thrones, read up on it a bit, even if it's just to know the houses. This is basically an alternate history of the Game of Thrones world. The characters will be entirely fictitious (So, no Eddard Stark, but a unique and different character called Robert Stark is fine). It will absolutely not follow events in the books (albeit a few details like the wildlings and white walkers) from the books/series. You may play anything or anyone, though I'll assume everyone wants to be of at least Knight rank (otherwise you'll be farming every day in each post...) [u][b]Setting:[/b][/u] [i]In the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the intrigues and plots of the lords and ladies never cease to accumulate. But, that is not the only trouble. There is talk of wildlings coming down from the north, or worse... (For those unfamiliar with the world of game of thrones, it's basically like 15th century europe. There is one king over the seven "kingdoms", which is only really one kingdom, and it is a merciless world full of betrayal and mistrust.)[/i] [u][b]Gameplay:[/b][/u] You will incarnate a character (I'll assume we're all going to want to be at least the rank of knight, going up to lord or even king, since... well, who wants to play a peasant in a Game of Thrones RPG?) There will be a lot of interesting politics. I want to break the fourth wall, and make it more realistic: The lords and ladies will plot by PM and organize betrayals and such, though they'll have to show some things in their posts. There will be battles, I've actually created a system similar to D&D, with randomly generated numbers. The player rolls a [b]0[/b] to [b]20 [/b]die, and if it hits 0 the hit misses, if it hits 20 that action is excellent. You can post these numbers in the OOC, but in the actual RP they would be prose "Henry's strike missed and hit the wall behind him" or "Henry's swing shattered the man's shield and cleaved his hand off" Characters can die (if you [b]absolutely[/b] want an immortal character, specify in the Character Sheet), which adds spice and intrigue. (most 19 or 20 rolled hits to vital organs are meant to kill the character) [hider=Rules] [u][i][b] RULES[/b][/i][/u] -No controlling other peoples characters. -No God-Modding (Though rash decisions may be taken, to show the brutal world of ASOIAF. You may, if you are King for example, order the execution of the whole of Westeros. But that would end this RP rather quickly.) -No killing off others without the players permission. (In fact, in the character sheet it says "can be killed?". So in aforementioned King example, if player has "can be killed" set as YES then the King can execute him. Be warned that this is final, and he will not be brought back (unless someone incarnates a Priest of Rhlorr who revives people or something like that) -GM's words are law -If you find yourself having a problem with another player then settle it in PM with said person or a GM -There is only one king to start with (First come first served!), but, as true to ASOIAF, if you so wish you can rebel and become a self proclaimed king. But not at the very start. -Be nice in OCC but in the IC feel free to be as ruthless as you want. -Keep OCC in the discussion topic. -Please post a little "introductory" post for your character and then one about what they are doing. -If you are unsure about a decision or sub-plot, pm the GM. -Please PM a GM your sheet before the character is approved. [/hider] I'm not quite sure even now what the interest checks forum is, but I assume it's to see if anyone's on board with the RP before posting it properly? If that's it, anyone interested?