[u][b]Eri Ogako[/b][/u] Eri shrugged and pulled up her bag resting it on the counter. She pulled out a huge number of bounties and put them on the table "These are all from surrounding guilds, It's really hard for a guild to be started in Annos Dorei for this reason alone...I'm here to make sure that these guys dont get to strong, but guilds around here have been recruiting a lot of guys" one of her fox ears went down almost like she was point at them. She put the papers back in her bag and set it on the floor, then took a look at the Bartender who was eyeing the group behind them. "If they start trouble, wi-" "I'll pay for the damage..." the bartender nodded and sighed. "At this point I might start paying you for keeping the tavern from trouble" Eri laughed slightly before her face went back to it's flat emotion again. A man stumbled next to Them all and slammed his cup on the counter. Eri looked at her new friends and mouthed [i]"Get Ready"[/i] before she turned her attention to the already drunken man. "WO THA HEL IZ TRUBLE YU GIT" he went to throw his drink over the bartender. Eri caught his wrist and squeezed breaking it "Closing time dontcha think Iori?" the Bartender nodded and quickly flipped a switch that turned off the outside lights of the Tavern. The man screamed in pain which caught the attention of the twenty or so other men. Eri stepped onto the bar counter top, still holding on to the scream man."ALRIGHT! Now that I have your attention, would you please leave the Tavern, it is closing time!" her small flat toned voice carried over the Tavern as they all looked at her. "FUK THAT! LET GO YOU CU-!" she kicked the back of the mans head and his face smashed into the counter top. Falling to the ground she let go him and she jumped down. "Anyone else?" a mug was thrown towards Sylvia, to which Eri caught "Dont kill them, just hurt them." A men started towards Eri, aiming to tackle her. Eri threw the cup at the mans forehead with enough force to make him fall to the ground and start bleeding. At this point the whole group of men stood up and started towards not only her but Sylvia and Louril.