Sorry for the wait, word of advice: never let coursework pile up. I also still need to work on her relations, so hopefully I can get that sorted by tomorrow. And, Prisk, you may refer to me as sir/him/he/dude/man/male/God – Preferably the latter. :) [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Sage Princeton [/b] [indent]An expert of mind games, Sage uses her sweet charm and alluring smile to ensnare others in her web of deceit. She is incredibly crafty and intelligent and opportunistic, and never misses a moment to exhibit her cunning. Most who know her understand that her conniving ways are a product of a black and white world view, in her eyes there is no middle ground, there are only winners and losers and like anyone who’s ever experienced the glory of victory she’d rather be on the side of the former. Friends and family however are not exposed to this side of her personality. To those she holds most dear, she is genuine, honest, kind and truthful; her love for them exceeds her need for wealth and material gain, and she would do nothing to intentionally hurt them or betray their trust. She would, more often than not, use her dark gifts in favour of them, and whether it be to protect or to serve them, they will receive her support in one form or another.[/indent] [b]Appearance[/b] [indent]Standing at a height of 5’3, and weighing only 110 pounds, Sage’s tiny stature is enough to throw off any suspicions ever had about her. She has huge round eyes, full pouty lips and sleek, black hair cut and styled into a classic chic bob. She is lithe yet sturdy, and as graceful and elegant as any trained ballerina. Her wardrobe consists mainly of perfumed silks, over-sized shirt dresses, and knee high boots of various brand. One of Sage’s most distinctive features are her two oddly coloured eyes. It is the result of a genetic condition she has known as heterochromia, which affects the colorization of both iris – her right eye is green and her left blue. Luckily for her, however, this condition is not indicative of any serious health issues, and she takes great pride in her strange and unique appearance. [/indent] [b]Weapon [/b] [indent][hider=Death Adder][img][/img][/hider] Sage’s weapon of choice is a double-edged short sword forged from a rare steel found in the Amaroth Mountains, south Tenebra. The blade itself is sharp enough to cut through stone and cannot be blunted even after frequent and extensive use. For added lethality, the sword is fitted with a mechanism to release poison to the blade, it consists of a removable compartment and a trigger button built into the hilt of the sword. [/indent] [b]Biography[/b][indent] Sage grew up in one of the less privileged sectors of Elysium. Her mother was a health care worker and her father an ex-serviceman, who abandoned the pair when Sage was 2. With only one parent to provide for her, Sage was often left to care for herself, while her mother worked day and night to keep a roof over their heads. In this time she learned how to feed herself and clean for herself and, on the streets, fend for herself. It was during this period where her black and white thinking began to take root, and by 15 it was very deeply ingrained. When Sage was 8 she came up with a game called "call your bluff". The rules of the game were incredibly simple: the player would first place a bet and then pick a card from a seemingly standard deck of 52. They then would have to look at the card and say one 'truth' about it. If sage was to guess correctly about whether they were being sincere or not, she would win their bet; If however she was wrong, they would walk away with twice as much. Pretty straightforward, only that after thorough shuffling the cards, she would switch it out for a deck comprised entirely of the same cards, an incredibly devious tactic that conned many out of their hard earned cash. One day, while playing a game of ‘call your bluff’, Sage blundered in her sleight of hand manoeuvre, ultimately revealing her trick and exposing herself as a cheat and con artist. Rather than being angered, however, the player, who turned out to be a Guardian and a graduate of OMA, was quite impressed with the little girl’s level of intelligence. He saw great potential in her, and so decided to refer her to the head of his alma mater, who offered her a place at the academy on a trial basis. She excelled in many different arts and areas of study and before she knew it she had become fully accepted into the academy. [/indent] [b]Spirits[/b][indent] [b]“Timeless”[/b] Element: Spacetime Ability: Swiftness Status Effects:[img][/img][color=ed1c24] Weakness[/color] This spirit manifests itself in the form of a third eye, devoid of both the pupil and the iris. Once activated, Sage is able to cast an illusion that will trap her target between two specific points in time. The deluded target will be completely open and vulnerable to attack until he or she is able to realize the deception; this usually occurs after a certain amount of time when an immense feeling of de ja vu sets in. The personality of this spirit can be described as apathetic, cold and distant. [b]“Mirror’s Edge”[/b] Element: Spacetime Ability: Provoke Status Effects:[img][/img][color=ed1c24] Slow[/color] This spirit manifests itself by mimicking the appearance of Sage, complete from the hair down to the clothes she decided to wear on that day. This decoy, however, is merely an apparition and has no other function than to confuse and throw off the enemy. The personality of this spirit can only be described as mischievous. [b]“Blackout”[/b] Element: Gravity/Dark Ability: Trample Status Effects:[img][/img][color=00aeef] Might[/color] This spirit manifests as a hulking mass of dark energy which seemingly appears from nowhere and presses down to crush its target in a cocoon of eternal night. The personality of this spirit can be described as cynical, rapacious and unrelenting. [b]“Deadly Touch”[/b] Element: Dark Ability: Lifelink Status Effects:[img][/img][color=ed1c24] Dispel[/color] Upon calling this spirit, Sage’s skin starts to secrete a clear, odourless and deadly venom that, on contact, causes chunks of flesh to slough away at the bone. While active, her skin appears to glisten fiercely, almost like that of a snake. The personality of this spirit can be described as morbid, stubborn and unpredictable. [/indent] [b]Relations[/b] [i]WIP[/i] [b]Wren[/b] [indent]On the field of battle, Sage and Wren are a force to be reckoned with; their tactical approach to combat and strategic prowess coalesce well to make them quite the formidable duo. Their relationship, however didn't start off strong. Sage suspected that Wren had initially been sceptical of her, completely understandable as her actions do sometimes portray someone of low moral character, but as the two progressed through the years together, Sage began to open up a little and show a more sensitive side to her, which allowed them to bond with one another and swap battle scar stories over hot cups of cocoa. Sage admires Wren for her bravery, her fearlessness in the face of overwhelming terror, and above all else her fierce love of combat.[/indent]