[h3]Nidhogg, Utakan City, Construction site[/h3] Status: Currently enjoying his appetizer Nidhogg evaded the attack easily, bending over to watch Lancer go by. As Lancer began to run into the construction site, Nidhogg simply chuckled at the fool's presumptions. He knew a cage when he saw one, and the only thing a Beast is to do in a situation like this is to bust down the bars and devour the jailer. With that in mind, Nidhogg lifted himself into a standing position, sending out a signal to the roots underground as he did so. [i]Bring it down.[/i] Several tendrils burst out of the ground near the main support pillars, entertwining to make larger, more powerful ones, before smashing into them. It only took one swing from each to do the job, bringing the infrastructure down on his opponent in a heap of twisted metal. Before the dust had even begun to settle, the tendrils then began to converge on Lancer's position, unleashing an intense barrage of swiping attacks down on him. While they did that, Nidhogg summoned an enterwined root to lift him high up above the carnage, forming a spear in his hand as he gazed at the wreckage with no small amount of self-satisfaction. Drawing his arm back, he threw the spear at Lancer, using Prana Burst to increase the accelration and piercing power of the construct. He would fire of 5 more such attacks, the last two, however, heading not towards Lancer, but at the hidden figure who was most likely his master, who he had located with his underground tendrils, using hair-thin strands to probe the surrounding area. Each spear would hit with the force of a missile, likely causing a large crater when they hit the ground. [i]Let's see how well my appetizer dances now that he's lost the advantage of terrain and has his master to protect.[/i] [@Hebigami Shiho] [@TwilightDragon]