[i][b][center]Caravan Mission[/center][/b][/i] After the group finished their preparations, putting away their equipment or preparing their other gear, the caravan master and crew continued onwards. About two hours into the trip the caravan master stopped. The group was now in the general area of where the bandit lair is suppose to be located at. The caravan master was both quite a quite drunk during their trip, but now he had moved the wagon to a fairly hidden spot in the forest. It was rather difficult coming in, but here it would be difficult to both reach and find the wagon. It would have to serve to keep the wagon safe without anyone to actually protect it. Lyn and the Caravan master would be staying here for the next few hours. With any luck the students would return before sundown, which would be when the Caravan Master himself would take the wagon to Hysteria, with or without his guards. After dropping off the caravan master and Lyn, it took the group about an hour to find the location of the bandit lair. They operated out of a Ravine entrance; the surface camp was crudely fortified, using poorly cut logs as walls and as the base for watch towers. All thing considered rather impressive for a handful of brigands. Currently, there was a few guards paroling/lodging the camp, about seven total. Some where asking about "When are the others coming back", and following conversation implies that some of the other bandits are out hunting to the north. From the stench of watered ale wafting through the air and the general atmosphere of the group, it seemed that most of them were drunk and bored. There was no immediate signs of their leaders, though one of the bandits who actually seemed like he was doing his job also was one of the biggest and imposing. Unlike the others who wore leather or hide armor, he wore platemail and had a studded threshing flail and a an axe by his side. The others had an arrangement of clubs, axes, and swords. Some who where in the towers had crossbows. "Look alive you dolts!" From the Ravine came a heavy cloaked figure. He was much bigger and bulkier than most of the bandits, with a spiked chain wrapped around one of his arms. "I just got word that Zarak got himself killed. Get ready, in about an hour I'm going to need five of you lot to come with me and see what happened. So get your lazy, drunk asses up and get ready!" The voice was deep and orcish. Some of the bandits began to stir lazily and prepared themselves to leave the camp.