[color=0072bc][h2]Ukatan City, Japan[/h2][/color] [h3]Inactive Construction Site, Thursday[/h3] [color=0072bc]Akane couldn't help but gaze adoringly at her Servant. He was so cool! She hadn't seen a full naginata being swung around like that before, and watching it in television and in video games was nothing like seeing it in real life. Lancer appeared more than ready to face anything that came his way. Even if she was a little anxious, she had to remain strong. Her fingers curled around her light jacket as she watched the first opponent arrive. What... was that? Was he really a Servant? He looked more like a demon or some summoned monster than a Caster or Berserker. Either way, the two Servants spared no time to chat and instead launched themselves at each other. For a moment, she was sure that Lancer was going to get hit by one of the other male's attacks. Yet he dodged every single one of them, much to her surprise. [i]Wow... that really is something.[/i] Akane thought, beginning to tremble with excitement once more. How someone could move that fast, she didn't know. All that she did know was that she was proud to have summoned such an agile Servant. Lancer started to run towards the construction site, but the opponent tore it down with ease. Akane flinched slightly. Welp... there went their advantage. She didn't expect someone with that sort of power to arrive or be brash enough to tear down someone's work. No doubt that the people of the city were going to be suspicious now. Suddenly, the Servant launched spears at both Lancer and her, much to her surprise. Thankfully, she had been quick enough to jump away from the incoming objects, but not without skinning her knees. [b]"Crap!"[/b] she spat, getting up from the ground and running for more cover. How had he known that she was there? Was it not that good of a hiding spot..? [/color] [[@Hebigami Shiho] [@Raijinslayer]]