[@Gamerdude369][@Raijinslayer] "Okay Miyamoto-san, we're done for now! Thanks for modelling!" The teacher, a female teacher in her mid-thirties smiled at the naked man who returned it with the sereneness that he usually carried. It was then he finally noticed that many were staring at him in a way that most likely was not appropriate for a model. Oddly enough, it came from mostly the women including the teacher. [color=00746b]"It was my pleasure to help. Could you please hand me my clothes?"[/color] He turned to look over to Mary and chuckled. [color=00746b]"Turn around young lady, you've seen more than enough already."[/color] Saber said with mere jest, taking the clothes that the teacher handed him and dressed back. This was greeted with many disappointed expressions of many of the ladies and some men that were in the room, pouting and sighing almost in unison. This he did not pay mind to as he turned his attention Jacob. [color=00746b]"I'm terribly sorry for Charles' behavior. I never would've thought that he would act that way towards anyone. I shall go talk to him. Jane, Mary, stay here with Mister Milford."[/color] Not waiting for an answer, Saber walked out of the room into the hallway with peeping female students of the school. Many of them flushed terribly and squeaked before they all dispersed like mice in front of cat. He paid no mind; his thoughts were focused on how despicable his master was towards Jacob for no reason. If this man was going to be his master then he would have to do better than acting like a god damn brat! It wasn't hard to find him. After all he was the source of his mana after all. As soon as he found him, he approached him from behind and snatched the camera out of his hands with blinding speed.[color=00746b]"Dorvain-sama, your attitude towards Mister Milford was atrocious. As my master, you must be polite and composed. A gentleman more or less, not a rapscallion." [/color]