Kaede looked back over to the soul reaper she didn't recognize as he summarized his version of what had happened. While she listened, her brow grew more and more creased as she started to frown. Whoever he was, he had a twisted sense of propriety if he was talking down to Luna for attacking a Hollow. When another man arrived, again one she didn't recognize, Kaede paused for a moment before growling a response to Angelo's commentary. [b]"A Hollow eating other Hollows doesn't help. That's how a Menos forms, dumbass; Hollows cannibalize one another until a bunch of them come together."[/b] She could hardly believe the man was actually a soul reaper, to be saying the sort of things he was saying. Whatever his circumstances were, it seemed like he had some very unusual opinions about how Hollows should be handled. Hopping down from the lamp post, Kaede landed next to Luna. She was about to issue a last ultimatum to the pair of men, when she was interrupted by the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdcam3UG8DQ&feature=youtu.be&t=2s]emergency ringtone[/url] of her soul pager. [b]"What?!"[/b] she snapped into the communicator, her sword still in her other hand and at the ready. Shock crossed her face as the voice on the other end of the phone explained what was going on in soul society. [b]"Wait, slow down! What the hell?"[/b] She looked a bit dazed as she closed the soul pager and put it in an inside pocket of her shihakusho. Looking at the hollow and the two men, she shook her head. [b]"This'll have to wait,"[/b] she said, turning to face to Luna [b]"Soul Society's gone bat-shit insane. We need to get back there."[/b] Thrusting her sword Higanbana into the air in front of her, she turned it clockwise to open the Senkaimon for them to return through.