Name: Raisa Race: Free Gerudo Appearance: A rather tall flaming red haired woman with lightly colored skin and heavily armed. Her swarthy black robes hide a heavy assortment of weaponry leaving only her face visible. She has a sharp nose, lightly pointed ears, and keeps her long hair unbound at waist length hidden under her furs. Cliches: Martial Skills[6]- All Gerudo's are brought with a heavy training regimen learning them in the traditional use of Scimitars and spears, as well as the newer art of axe fighting devolved in response to their move to the tundra. In addition even in the severe cold of the tundra the natural flowing combat style first learned in the dessert is still upheld Stubborn Conviction[3]- Freeborn Gerudos are naturally prideful and quite stubborn. Raisa in particular shows skill in convincing people to do what she wants through sheer tenacity Iron Man[3]- The brutal climate of the Gerudo Tundra has obviously hardened Raisa's body to extreme temperatures. That in addition to the harsh training regimen of the Gerudo's allow her to keep going beyond what should be physically possible. Personality: An adventurous Gerudo that grew up longing for an epic quest and wants just that. Raisa is always willing to start a fight and has bit of a superiority complex at times. She commits to things easily and makes friends fast, but she also stands by the promises she makes and the people she meets. Back-story: Raisa grew up hearing tales of mighty heroes such as Impa, Nabooru, and Darunia. Of course she wanted to be just like these hero's and she eagerly threw herself into the training that all Freeborn Gerudo's went through. Although she was never quite the best she made up for it with the energy she put it. Perhaps Raisa fumbled with her weapons and tripped while running, maybe collapsed when trying to do the more acrobatic movements. But she tried harder than anyone. Her dream to be a hero fueled her ambitions and kept her warm when she went to bed at night. Eventfully Raisa was of age to be considered an adult and left her tribe seeking fame, fortune, and glory. Of course the first thing she needed was fortune, so she upon finding a small trading caravan and negotiating with the trade master briefly, and by negotiating I mean refusing to take no for an answer, she signed on as a guard and is currently saving her coins until she hears of a great opportunity to prove herself.