"Doesn't seem like he wants to talk," Kronshi went back over to the computer and talked a bit about some upcoming projects and the like and then signed off. "Ok, edit out the part with Penn talking, even the fact that my roommate is shy could give people a hint to who I am." Edward edited the video and uploaded it to Youtube, thankfully due to his computer skills this took no time at all. "So I'm going to go for a walk, need to get outside sometime or I'll get fat off of my food, I mean sure it is low-calorie but any calorie can make you chub if you don't work it off. That should give you enough time to be alone and do your thing without me bothering you, as was our agreement, I don't mess with your pictures, you don't talk about my work. See ya later." With that Edward walked out the door, 'God, that guy is shy, I wonder what he's hiding. Eh, it doesn't matter as long as he keeps quite that I'm Kronshi.'