Nightwing had to take pause as he realized how he completely forgot about Mount Justice. He was getting frustrated with himself so far as he knew he sounded like an idiot. It was destroying what was already a tough moment of having to make a good first impression. One which was quickly slipping from his grasp just as he gave a very brief pause on it. He had a very sad realization that if he was in a fight with all of these new recruits, he'd know exactly how to handle himself, probably create perfect puns and insults on the fly too. Yet when he actually has to show leadership and a clear direction. He had no idea what he was doing. Batman really needs to change his education plan. “Well we're staying at a former Justice League base at Mt. Justice. Really with us we never really made our... well now former base much of a permanent living quarters. Occasionally stayed sometimes over, other times we just stayed at our own places. I'm figuring that should be fine with everyone here.” Nightwing stated calmly even though there was pretty evenly mixed feelings on the idea. Nightwing paused for a millisecond when his eyes while scanning around again among the group came upon Starfire who was looking at him in a way that gave him those weird funny feelings again. “Before we get too far ahead of ourselves we should go ahead and take business over to Mount Justice.” Later... [img][/img] Nightwing glanced up the deep cavern like walls of the main war room. The rest of the team being allowed time to explore on their own, claim bedrooms, so on. While at this point Nightwing was expecting complete and utter left behind crap, in keeping with how this whole thing has felt so far. Reassuringly and almost surprisingly the place seemed to be in tip top shape. If that was the Justice League's maintenance for whatever reason, or they actually decided to grace him with some mercy. Nightwing was already grateful that at least the base was well done. Now if only the team seemed worthy... “Man I have to say this place is pretty cool...” Kid Flash approached Nightwing from behind, seemingly finally mellowing out from his earlier stunned turned angry hissy fit. Nightwing turned, giving Kid Flash an assuring smile. “Yeah, I'm pretty impressed.” As Nightwing turned to his teammate he noted Kid Flash's mood being changed. “Good to see you're feeling better. I figured you would end up going haywire.” Kid Flash waved off the notion. “Yeah yeah, I'm still not great because I have to work with some 'magician' kid. But I had a moment to think about things. I'm actually pretty stoked about the situation.” Kid Flash's smile was making Nightwing start to feel better. “Oh? How so?” Nightwing asked curious. “Well I thought about it this way, we're the senior members now right? They're the rookies, right? See I just realized something. We can totally haze them! Haze them all the live long day!” Kid Flash was all smiles as he revealed his personal feelings. “Oooh boy...” Nightwing sighed, he had to ask didn't he?