[center] [b]Name:[/b] Karen Violet Camillus Antonius [hider=Appearance:][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11169878_10203633983241305_2671798894121923395_n.jpg?oh=463164656db74a6f55d38006f1bd38fe&oe=559E5849&__gda__=1440777756_a1ebae079d5f9c1f50f67742cf6c5e70[/img][/hider] Karen is a towhead, a kind of platinum blond that looks silver when exposed to light. She has amber eyes, primarily gold in color. Her hair is long and wavy and reaches just above her hip. She's pale and weighs about 40kg. She's 147 cm tall. Her three sizes are: [hider=Prying into a woman's personal information is rude you know?][sub]79 / 55 / 78[/sub][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 15.7 [b]Year:[/b] 6th [b]House:[/b] Gryffindor [b]Classes taken:[/b] - Charms - Defense Against the Dark Arts - Herbology - Arithmancy - Astronomy - Alchemy - Potions - Divination - Transfiguration [b]Short bio:[/b] Karen's mother was a well traveled witch, who was also a known duelist. Because of her abrasive attitude, she got into plenty of fights. In one of these fights she was cursed heavily using ancient Dark Magic and no magic could break it. While searching desperately for a cure, she bumped into Kyle Antonius, who was not a deacon at the time. The man realizing that she was distressed but not knowing the reason, offered her a prayer and a free meal. The next day the curse had disappeared. The two met with each other constantly after that, both their interests in each other piqued. What then started as an awkward friendship with much arguments turned into love, and they were eventually married. When Karen was born, a similar miracle occurred; at the exact day of her birth, many people found that they were cured from sickness, even terminal patients were cured. Claudia linked it to magic, Kyle's father called it a miracle, while Kyle said it was magic that came from a miracle. As Karen grew, her fascination with the suffering and helping of others became evident, much to her fathers delight. Much to her mothers dismay, however, she also inherited her fathers [i]wonderful[/i] personality. Karen developed an interest in healing magic, however she is extremely unconventional with the way she does things, which makes people worry. [b]Personality: [/b] Karen has an angelic personality and is forgiving to the point that she believes her only purpose in life is to help others, even if she is hurt in the process. She never blames the person who has hurt her and blames the act on devils who caused the person to commit whatever sin. Whenever she is at fault, she apologizes to God rather than the person, although she doesn't mean to be rude - she's just weird that way. However, in contrast to her angelic persona, she also loves teasing people and exploiting others’ emotional vulnerability. Upon discovery of an individual’s weak spot, she enjoys bringing it out to light in front of all the other characters. While this antagonizes many people and causes much outrage and humiliation, she remains calm. Caren however will not go too far with this, so long as she isn't forced to. Most of the time she uses it for harmless teasing. Basically, Karen likes to troll people. Karen insists on acting on her standards of grace and etiquette in every situation. She does not panic or overreact and always maintains a pristine and untouched persona. Even in the face of people who consider her enemies or show her open hostility, she will not so much as frown, in fact, she would still be very polite with them. Of course, this same grace is applied to her teasing. She is a devout Catholic, as strange as it may seem, and often quotes from scriptures or phrases from the Bible mostly for her own convenience, but when she wants to, she is actually quite wise in going about their use. Despite her calm and unaffected persona, she is cunning, perceptive, efficient and a surprisingly ruthless person for someone who was placed into Gryffindor. In fact, many are surprised she is in the house at all - it seems she would make a much better Slytherin. She is somewhat of a mad-scientist, as she is prone to experimenting with different spell, potions, etc. Her personality greatly resembles her fathers. [b]Wand:[/b] Fig Tree, slightly elastic, 15 inches; Simurgh feather core. If the wand is burned for whatever reason, it immediately summons the Simurgh. [b]Patronus:[/b] An Axolotl [b]Hobbies:[/b] Studying; flowers and flower arranging, history, theology, philosophy, sewing, praying, healing, languages. Teasing people. [b]Pets:[/b] A Crowned Solitary Eagle; it's illegal to own, doubly so because it's endangered, but her mothers a witch so . . . magic? [b]Personal possessions:[/b] A Bible, Rosary, golden cross, and a red enchanted scarf; it's enchanted to bind men specifically. So long as it's wrapped around them, they will be unable to move unless they're attacked by something. The scarf was a gift from her mother that Karen uses with great effect. [b]Relationships:[/b] A good number of people in Hogwarts are terrified of her including some of the teachers, due to her knack of identifying and exploiting their weaknesses. Is somehow friends with the current [i]Rector Major of the Salesians[/i], whom she discusses philosophy and magic with occasional. [b]NPCs:[/b] [list][*]Kyle John Antonius - Karen's father; deacon, skeptic, wise-man, exceptional troll. [*]Claudia Lily Camillus Antonius - Karen's mother; witch, adventurer, duelist, prone to snark, and a good wife - to Kyle anyway. [*]The Simurgh - An extremely rare and powerful magical bird with that can purify lands and waters, bless people with good fortune, inspire wisdom and raise heroes. It's healing powers are so strong that so long as there is even a hint of life left in a person, they will be healed.[/list][/center]