[@Sand] I went through your character sheet and wrote a few comments and thoughts of mine. I do not know what kind of relation I would write for Selene and Sage. This is the first thing that came to mind after reading your character sheet. There is nothing wrong with your submission, though. It has all the required sections and enough information to go around, but still it feels like there is something missing. Me and JJ both felt this way. Hopefully, you will be able to add a bit to Sage through some Trivia and/or writing the Relations first. Tenebra is a continent, so something ‘south of it’ would be in the ocean. I assume you meant for these Amaroth Mountains to be in Tenebra itself? Me and JJ discussed if one could use the word ‘deprived’ to describe a sector in Elysium, as it was primarily built for people with plenty of resources. However, by now, there would certainly be some kind of ‘less luxurious’ sectors, which Selene and her mother live in, and slums to go with it. However, there is no poverty per se on Elysium. Those who cannot afford living there live on Libra instead. “Mirror’s Edge”: There is no ‘manipulation’ of elements or other things. The clones would be created by the spirit itself, mimicking the appearance of Sage. If you can take a look at these things and do some revisions, then you’re accepted! You can post your character sheet in the depository when you feel ready, and then I’ll take a look at your changes from there.