[quote=@Vilageidiotx] Ah, that'll cause misanthropy is you don't approach it right. Remember, even if they do not vote correctly and don't have a lot of interesting things to talk about, Southerners do know how to make some good food. And, so long as you do not belong to whatever minority is unpopular at the time, they are really quite nice as far as people go. Unless you are in Texas, than you are just royally fucked. [/quote] The problem with people from the rural south. They talk from their mouths so they do speak slower. Do you know how you talk when you had a head cold? If so, you may sound like your from Alabama. America is not that bad. True, my father is an America and my mother is from Canada: so I got the best of both worlds. The problem I have with the south, is the traffic at the schools. See, the bussing is private and only enters white only areas. So the parents drive their children to school. Well, it is a toss back to "Brown v Board of Education" as nobody wants their little daughter bumping knees with a little black girl. So if your a mother that has a college degree, you have a college loan to pay off and take your daughter to school and pick up. So the question becomes, why would your daughter go to college and get married just to have a student loan and working part-time because she would have to pick up her daughter year after year.