Yeah, Lancer indeed didn't like having to face a senseless beast like that. It brought the whole construction down without even thinking about using it to its advantage. Any thinking person would've thought of using the structure to their advantage by making it fall over the other's head. Even if the opponent was a Servant and that made nothing more but scratch the others, it would still give the other one time to prepare for the fight that came afterwards. Lancer had a head start on the wooden dragon, not to mention too the fact that his plan was actually the same, so he was able to escape the building before it even began crumbling down. As expected, the beast followed up its attacks, which Lancer avoided with relative ease. Yeah, even if it was quick, its movements were too predictable. Of course, he did not expect the last two headed for his master. Lancer jumped and put himself in front of his Master, blocking with all his might both attacks, even if they sent him back quite a bit. [color=bc8dbf]"My, you are such an stupidly big beast. I am guessing you are either a part of the Berserker class, or such a huge idiot in live that even as a Servant you are still as stupid as you were in life."[/color] Lancer said to the Beast in front of him. Yeah, he was starting to get tired of playing around in the defensive. He lifted his naginata and put the staff against his face. [color=bc8dbf]"Then, how about we stop playing around now? It is my turn to make my move."[/color] He started gathering his strength, as well as his Master's prana. [color=bc8dbf]"Zhu, do take cover in another place where you are safer. Right now, this place is a battlefield against a Beast that isn't in its right mind. Another random attack like that wouldn't be surprising at any point."[/color] He said. He was now concentrated. His mind was calm, he was ready to strike. With a dash that made it seem as if he disappeared, Lancer jumped and soon appeared in front of the opposing servant, the only thing visible through his helmets were his blue eyes and the blue trail that they left through the air as he moved around at such stunning speeds. He brought his naginata back with a single hand and then thrusted it forward, but of course, it would end there. He started going back and forward with his naginata at an incredible speed, such that it was almost impossible to follow the path of his strikes. [color=bc8dbf]"Become a pin cushion!"[/color] After several strikes like that that passed in nothing but a moment, he finally took his naginata back and spun it around in his left hand, before aiming to slice the Beast's chest, and then going back again to slash again at its chest and falling down to the ground, leaving a hole in where he landed just of his sheer strength. [@Raijinslayer] [@TwilightDragon]