It was good that Rena followed up with his antics, and even if it was just some small shows of affection Noboyuki still appreciate them quite a lot. [B]"Hehe, you've seen an ugly side of me as well. One I wished people never saw, to be honest. But when it's all done and said, I think that indeed ended up helping us. So, I can't say I really regret you ever seeing them."[/B] He smiled at her. The only thing he regretted was having to arrive to the next town in such a short time. He wished they had some more time to be alone like that. He wasn't one to push his luck, but he indeed wanted some alone time with her. He looked back at Rena, staring right into her eyes, and then Rena said those words again. They made his own heart skip a beat, and he even blushed a bit after hearing it. But even so, he didn't look away from her. Those words meant a whole lot to him. The whole mood and atmosphere.... Yeah, something told him that it would be a good time to push his luck right now, even if it was just for a bit. He leaned down and planted a kiss on Rena's lips. Even if it wasn't something really big and just something out of impulse, Noboyuki thought the time was right. [B]"I love you too, Rena."[/B] He simply said, with a sincere smile in his face, one he had never shown anyone before. He wished time would just stop. In that simple night that seemed a bit too perfect. They were about to arrive to the next town too. [B]"Can we stay like this for another while? I suddenly don't feel like sleeping at all."[/B] He put up now his usual sarcastic smile of always. Even then, though, the night continued on. It would be the next morning anytime soon, even if Noboyuki wished with all of his heart for that not to happen. Even so, he may want to push his luck again and ask her to sleep together, of course, without trying to imply anything else and.... Yeah, he'd better not do that, or he'd get punched.