Nidhogg, Utakan City, Former Construction Site "Nimble little morsels, aren'tcha," Nidhogg observed from above, tendrils rising up to form a cocoon around him as Lancer attacked. His strikes pierced straight through the cocoon, and his first slash was unimpeded, but that was not the case for his second slash, in which the blade of naginata was halted mid-way through the attack, stopping his momentum and leaving him hanging in the air by the shaft of his weapon, which was firmly in the grasp of tendrils and wouldn't be easily removed. Before he could react, the main tendril reared back, before slamming into the ground, rising up only to do the same over and over again. If Lancer didn't let go of his weapon, he'd be in for a world of hurt, as the force this tendril was exerting was massive, easily crushing the steel girders as if it were made of paper. If he did hang on through that, would whip into the ground with enough force to send him flying off of it(If he didn't hang on, then ignore the first half of this sentence), before slithering back into the ground, taking his Naginata with it. As it did this, a figure stepped out of it, the retreating roots parting around the nightmarish figure like water against a stone. Drawing on Prana from his master, Nidhogg decided to up his game a bit and stop playing with his meal. A couple of those strikes had nicked him as he escaped into the tendril, nothing serious but it did leave him rather annoyed. His eyes began to glow a baleful white as he became surrounded by a malicious aura of savage bloodlust so strong that it would awaken a primal fear from all who saw him. This was the Class skill of the Beast Class, Primeval Strength. He burst forward in a blur of motion, reaching Lancer's position in mere moments with his fist reared back, before lashing out with a devastating punch aimed at Lancer's chest, Nidhogg's already impressive strength being boosted immensely by Class Skill and Prana Burst. If taken directly, Lancer would be assuredly incapacitated, if not outright killed, and even an indirect blow would inflict serious injury. It would also send Lancer flying backwards into the wreckage of the construction site, further compounding the damage. Nidhogg chuckled darkly as he summoned another mass of tendrils to writhe around him as he approached the servant. "You're not the smartest servant are you Appetizer-San, attacking me like that. That seems like a sign of arrogance to me, wouldn't you say, Bite-size?" He said, addressing the girl who was obviously Lancer's master. Charles, Utakan University, Art Wing Status: Pissed off Charles first impulse was to order Saber to give the camera back, but he held himself back. He wasn't going to waste a Command Seal on something like that. He took several deep breaths, before he finally stood up, giving Saber a cold look. "Miyamoto, let's take a moment to assess some facts. You are [b]not[/b] my father, you are [b]not[/b] in charge of me, I [b]don't[/b] have to listen to you, and [b]I'm[/b] the one paying for you to be here." His tone was as cold as his glare, if not colder. "With that in mind, [b]don't ever think you can tell me what to do.[/b] I don't care what you think of my behavior, I don't care if you like me, I only care about doing what I want to do. If I want to be rude to that ass, then I fucking will, and nothing anyone can say will make me do otherwise. So, please give me my camera, then go get Mary and Jane. After that, you can do whatever you want, understand?" [@hatakekuro] Jane sighed, she knew full well why Master Dorvain disliked but she refused to say it because of how childish a reason it was. [i]All of this animosity, just because Charles was never able to beat the man. It's completely ludicrous, but what is one to do when faced with such a stubborn fool of a master. The more you push him, the deeper he digs his heels in.[/i] Mary, however, was looking over to where Master Dorvain had stormed off. She didn't approve of his behavior either, but she knew that trying to talk to him while he was like this was likely to make things worse instead of better. When Master Miliford pulled them over to the corner to talk about Master Dorvain, both twins sighed thinking about the trials of being Master Dorvain's servants. "His studies aren't a problem, he's very dilligent with his research time, especially when it comes to experiments," Mary began softly, but Jane cut in with her own complaints. "But trying to get him to eat and sleep regularly is impossible, and then there dealing with his parent and marriage applicants. Given his life style, it's understandable why his family would want an heir sooner, rather than later, but Master Dorvain doesn't show interest in any of them. He just takes a few pictures, some small talk, then sends them on their way, and I'm the one who gets blamed for it. They're convinced that I've stolen his heart for whatever reason." [@Gamerdude369]