[center]. . .[/center] [center][h2]ANNETTE LOUISE DANES[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Adina+Porter+DPA+Pre+Golden+Globe+Awards+Gift+TTLkHxu9p0vl.jpg[/img][/center] [center]. . .[/center] [b]AGE[/b]: 47 [b]GENDER[/b]: female [b]FORMER OCCUPATION[/b]: Mayor of Rittendale [b]HEIGHT[/b]: 5’6 [b]WEIGHT[/b]: 118 lbs [b]SCARS/TATTOOS/OTHER[/b]: in a small, square-lettered font on her left wrist, Annette has a tattoo of the birth date of her son, Sebastian. [b]PAST AFFILIATES[/b]: [list] [*][i]Jason “Jay” Danes: Annette’s forty-eight-year-old husband[/i]; [*][i]Sebastian Danes: Annette’s thirteen-year-old son[/i]; [*][i]Chantelle Mackey: Annette’s thirty-six-year-old sister[/i]; [*][i]Gregory Mackey: Annette’s seventy-two-year-old uncle and former close friend[/i]; [/list] [b]CURRENT AFFILIATES[/b]: [list] [*][i]Amina Ali: resident of The Towers, close friend/emotional support[/i]; [*][i]Alexander J. McMurray: resident of the towers, close friend, second-in-command[/i]; [*][i]all other residents of The Towers[/i]; [/list] [b]STRENGTHS[/b]: If anything, Annette Danes is known for her ability to appeal to the masses. Her charismatic skills kept her afloat during her term as Rittendale’s mayor; even if she never wholly believed the words she let rocket off her tongue, she knew when to let them go and how much force should be put into each syllable. When her back isn’t making friends with a corner, she’s personable, attentive and understanding. She has a sharp tongue and quick wit – a million different retorts or statements will sprout in her mind before her opponent had the chance to attempt to voice their way out of an instant verbal KO. Likewise, Annette was never blessed with the ability to read a textbook and memorize every fibre of those words, but she does possess adequate “street smarts”. She thinks quickly and clearly, always on the ball. Rarely does Annette slip up or not immediately grasp a concept. [b]WEAKNESSES[/b]: Annette always had been a workaholic, ever since she was first employed as a fast food chain cashier and felt that gritty texture of a crisp paycheque between her fingertips. That thrive to constantly work and do better leaves her exhausted. Annette is unwilling to give up, even when success has long since left her reach. She’s critical of herself, constantly blaming and berating herself for not doing better, not putting more effort into things. This puts her under constant stress, making her agitated and restless, unable to eat or sleep comfortably and always anxious. She’s aware the migraines, heartburn and stomach pains she experiences may be caused from it, but Annette refuses to worry about those. In the same vein, Annette cares too deeply about what others think of her. There’s a façade she held for years that she was a confident, well-put-together political warrior who always knew the answer. The end of the world didn’t change her need to be that hero; it only made it more needed. In reality, Annette doesn’t believe she’s nearly as strong as she’s made out to be. Inside, she’s an anxious bundle bound to unravel and never stop crying or shaking once every knot comes undone. People look to Annette, and she hungers for their willingness to. It started when Annette first became mayor, how she craved being the good guy, the one with all the answers and solutions. Annette needs to be their saving grace, and then some. It’s the only way she can feel validated. At her age, and with her health, Annette is not a physically adept person. Her knees crack when she crouches and more often than not she awakes with new pains in her back and shoulders. A bad right knee makes it difficult to run before the pain begins, and truth be told, Annette can’t do a single push-up to save her life. [b]HISTORY[/b]: [hider]In the year of 2007, Annette Danes became a household name in the city of Rittendale; she was a mayoral candidate known for her sharp mouth, unwillingness to bite her tongue, and ambitious plans to better Rittendale. With the promise of more bike lanes, greenspace, pedestrian-only streets, free public transit and to fight for taxpayers, Annette’s platform was also well-received, though many had doubts she would accomplish everything she promised. Steadily, Annette’s popularity grew. From enthusiastically appearing in the city’s Pride Parade to supporting and promoting small businesses, Annette made a face for herself as someone who genuinely cared about others. As she once joked in an interview, it was why she always excelled in customer service. As of 2008, Annette Danes won the election. She went on to lead a full term, managing to reduce crime rates to an all-time low as well as fulfill each promise she made. Though she may have earned the title of “The Green Giant” from her often spoken about drive to make the city as eco-friendly as possible, Annette was renown for her motivation to improve the environment. In the end, however, Annette was not voted back into office for a second term. She lost to her former competitor, Michael Mann. Though it was a tough blow, it was not all in vain. Annette had been looking forward to an early retirement for a while. With her husband and son, Annette lived in a well-off condo near the beaches area. They had a pitbull named Sandy and an overweight housecat named Danny. When the virus hit, Annette’s son Sebastian passed away first. Jay, her husband, collapsed onto the floor just as Annette scrambled to pull Sebastian into her arms. For several hours Annette had attempted CPR on both to no avail. It had not surprised her when no emergency response team answered her calls. Eventually, when the sun came up and both were pale, cold and unresponsive, and when Annette finally felt the bitter sting of an early winter wafting in through the windows, she sat down on the floor next to both her son and husband and stared off at the dawning sky.[/hider]