[b]Archer, Chemistry Building Rooftop, Ukatan University[/b] [@Constantine] Archer listened carefully as his master described what she could do for him. Chemicals and metals would be most of what they needed, so if Louise was confident that she could provide in the quantities needed, then he would have faith in her as well. Mines would be nice, though he didn't put too much hope into that sort of fight. Bombs would be more useful, especially if they could include gas. It was dirty, true, but it was the sort of tactics they would have to use if they were to win. "I'll make a list," he confirmed with a nod. At her bad news though, he grinned whilst watching Louise retrieve a broom from some hidden spot. "Well, getting you a weapon to defend yourself would be nice, but we don't have to," he told her, his attitude undiminished. "But as for myself, I only need to see the gun in person to be able to replicate it. So we just have to find a store, then you stay outside and I'll go in, and the next thing you know we've got ourselves an arsenal of guns." He shrugged then as he shifted on his feet. "So, unless you'd prefer to go see if we can spot any ongoing fights, maybe get some idea of the foes we've got to contend with, I would say we should do that," he concluded at last. She wanted his suggestion, and she had gotten it. But as the Master, she would have to be the one to decide what to do, within reason. Independent Action was a nice thing.