[hider=Pilot][i]Name:[/i] Thessalia Minari [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Nationality:[/i] Swiss [i]Appearance[/i] [url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131018205957im_/http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/lenaleelee_678.jpg]Thessalia[/url] As long as the rules require her to do so, Thessalia can always be seen wearing a school or training uniform. In any other case, however, she will wear quite simple clothing, mostly in form of t-shirts, jeans and a pair of sneakers or other such articles. [i]Personality:[/i] Thessalia is, simply put, an overachiever. She constantly strives to deliver the best performance she can, no matter the circumstances. That, however, doesn't mean that she ignores others in pursuit of her own success - instead, she is highly team-orientated and has little problem with authority; neither submitting to or holding it. This trait, however, easily makes her seem a rather harsh person to whom people would matter little and cares only for success - at least, on the first glance or three. Aside from that most immediately obvious side of her, Thessalia is otherwise quite a quiet one, preferring to spend her time reading and otherwise relaxing - in fact, it seems that once she steers away from the topic of A.W.E.s, theoretically or practically, Thessalia simply becomes a quiet girl who keeps to herself most of the time. Whilst not antisocial by any means, she simply doesn't actively seek out other people's company or feel bothered by its absence. [i]Bio:[/i] Thessalia is the third child and first daughter of one of the most senior Technical Engineers of Wirbelwind. The company, considering its still rather niche corner on the grand scale of A.W.E.'s regularly held compatibility tests in which the children of the employees were free to participate, hoping that perhaps a high enough compatibility rate could be found among one of them - and with their prospective success, so too would the company's fame rise and perhaps put them on a more equal footing with the more established big names. Thessalia's brothers, three and six years older than herself, had participated in the tests themselves at the behest of their father - though with their remarkably low scores, no one held much hope for the third child to follow. What no one expected, however, was for the little girl to not only show a positive reaction - in fact, she not only displayed a compatibility rating beyond an average passing grade but went on to display the single highest rate of synchronisation with an A.W.E. in the entire history of Wirbelwind's records; including the trained prototype pilots and regular soldiers out on the battlefields. Needless to say, Thessalia was immediately signed up for further A.W.E. training - at first during any free time away from compulsory schooling. This training, however, did have a few effects upon the young girl - with dozens of scientists, engineers and trainers all expecting great things from her whilst at the same time having to deal with barely hidden jealousy from her brothers and an almost constantly absent father due to work, Thessalia had few people to whom she could turn to other than her mother who would always do her best to encourage her little girl. Over time and in such an environment, Thessalia soon started to adapt to her surrounding - she would constantly strive to not only meet but surpass any goals set, she would always try not her best but give it absolutely everything for every task she was given. It was thanks to both her received training and her thusly honed abilities that Thessalia was accepted into Lunar Academy. [i]Other:[/i] -[/hider] [hider=A.W.E.][i]Designation:[/i] MKS-19C Hagelsturm [i]Role:[/i] Main Battle A.W.E. / Frontline Combat [i]Frame:[/i] Medium [i]<15 Point Slots>[/i] [i]Appearance:[/i] [url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131018205957im_/http://www.hobbygen.com/images/kot-ac-rosenthal.jpg]MKS-19C[/url] [i]Manufacturer:[/i] Wirbelwind > Improved Shields - The shields of the A.W.E. can take more punishment. > Shield Tech - 2 free points are given towards the A.W.E.'s shields. > Energy Limit - The A.W.E. cannot use plasma weapons and a maximum of 1 laser weapons. > Designated Role - The A.W.E. cannot use long range weapons. [i]Armaments:[/i] • [i]MStG-37 Multiple Firing System [Two-handed Conventional]:[/i] The [b]M[/b]odulares [b]St[/b]urm[b]g[/b]ewehr [b]37[/b] Multiple Firing System is located in the forearms of Hagelsturm, together with its ammunition storage. This conventional weapon system consists of two six-barreled guns which are concealed beneath the armour plates until called upon for use in combat, whereupon they extend downwards. What this weapon lacks in stopping power and range, it makes up for in fire rate. The MStG-37's main use is suppressive fire or against very lightly armoured targets. It does very little damage to any target equipped with more than light armour/weak shields. Cannot be used simultaneously with the StK-11. [i]<2 Points>[/i] • [i]StK-11 Direct Fire System [Heavy Conventional]:[/i] The [b]St[/b]urm[b]k[/b]anone [b]11[/b] Direct Fire System is an external conventional armament, designed to be gripped by both of Hagelsturm's hands and its right shoulder where corresponding interfacing systems are located to ensure maximum effectiveness - these systems can also be used for a number of other of Wirbelwind's external weapons, though the StK-11 is the C variant's main armament. Both hands are only required when operating the weapon and only one is needed to carry the weapon when not in use. The StK-11 is braced against Hagelsturm's shoulder to dampen recoil over the entire frame and to allow reloading via the ingenious internal ammunition storage and feeding system. The Direct Fire System is exactly what it implies - it launches single high velocity shaped projectiles to counter hardened targets. [i]<3 Points>[/i] > [i]2x SpM-90 High Explosive Round [StK-11 Ammunition]:[/i] The [b]Sp[/b]reng[b]m[/b]unition [b]90[/b] High Explosive Round increases the StK-11's firepower by loading it with an explosive-tipped projectile, allowing it to deliver far greater damage to heavily armoured targets. The explosive blast is small but focused upon the point of impact, therefore being unsuitable for anti-infantry purposes. Carries two such rounds. [i]<2 Points>[/i] • [i]MDG-3 Shield Drone [Support]:[/i] The [b]M[/b]obiler [b]D[/b]eckungs[b]g[/b]enerator [b]3[/b] Shield Drone's name is slightly misleading - rather than a mobile drone providing a shield, the MDG-3 is in actual fact a single-use shield generator that creates a slightly backwards-arced moderate strength shield that lasts for up to one full minute before depleting its battery. The shield essentially allows for Hagelsturm's pilot to set up additional cover whenever and wherever necessary, though it only provides protection from the front for any one standard-sized A.W.E. - rear, sides and top are still exposed. A single MDG-3 is located at the lower back of Hagelsturm and is thrown to its intended location. [i]<1 Point>[/i] [i]Shield Strength:[/i] Moderate [i]<3-2=1 Point>[/i] [i]Signature Asset:[/i] [i]Reactive Shield[/i] - The newest advancement in shield technology, the reactive shield allows the Hagelsturm to operate on the frontlines despite its medium frame as opposed to the sturdier heavies; its external shield possesses a unique feature in the form of an electromagnetic force generator that significantly lessens the impact of incoming fire, both kinetic and energy-based, by emitting a quick high-powered electromagnetic burst, thereby slowing kinetic force, predetonating explosives and diffusing energy-based attacks even before they strike the shield itself and the underlying armour. [i]<4 Points>[/i] [i]HUD Add-Ons:[/i] • [i]Advanced Targeting Optics:[/i] Provides accurate realtime calculations for Hagelsturm's weaponry, displaying this information in form of predicted flight paths as well as on-screen scopes to afford the pilot improved accuracy both on the move and when standing still. [i]<1 Point>[/i] [i]Diagnostics:[/i] <16/15 total points and slots> <3 total energy units> [i]Other:[/i] -[/hider] Thessalia Minari from Switzerland and Wirbelwind's MKS-19C Hagelsturm, reporting for duty once more.