[center][img]http://www.jp.guihard.net/IMG/jpg/rapture.jpg[/img] [b]Rapture The great underwater city The realized dream of a man named Andrew Ryan Here everyone was free to create, to live, to work, to enjoy There were no limitations, no boundries, no rules to speak of when it came to the human imagination. Even DNA, the human gene sequence, could be manipulated and changed, rewritten to whatever one could think of. Nothing was impossible... Until it all came crashing down...[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] This is an rp set in Rapture after the events of Bioshock 2. This is an alternate timeline. Every major player (Ryan, Lamb, Sinclair, Fontaine, Jack, Eleanor, ect) are either gone or dead. Rapture has been sitting at the bottom of the sea, forgotten by all. The only living things are the splicers and some Little Sisters (some cured, some not) and Big Daddies that were left behind. But now mysterious disappearances are occurring on the surface, the people vanishing without a trace. And a scientific expedition has rediscovered Rapture and managed to get inside to find gore, horror and chaos. Will they survive and escaped, be brutally killed or become as mad as the inhabitants? [hider=PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A CHARACTER] Parameters for characters: [b]E[/b]xpedition [b]M[/b]embers : You can create any kind of character you believe would be in the expedition : scientist, engineer, mechanic, merc (mercenary) cook, ect. You know nothing about Rapture when you arrive. You will discover things along the way (as Jack in the first Bioshock did). [b]S[/b]plicers : If you want to create a Splicer that is fine, but keep in mind they are basically raving lunatics. Some are more then others, but none are completely coherent. Keep that in mind when creating and writing for the character. Splicers can have abilities and plasmids, but only one each. (for example, a Spider Splicer can climb on the walls and ceiling and can have one plasmid, like fire, but no more then that.) [b]L[/b]ittle [b]S[/b]isters: You may create a Little Sister, but remember they are children and not quite all there mentally. And they are basically helpless unless they have a Big Daddy. [b]B[/b]ig [b]D[/b]addies : You may create a Big Daddy but remember they are not like Delta from Bishock 2. Most Big Daddy's are big lumbering guys who don't speak and only exist to defend Little Sisters. Also you are not immune to attack and death. You can be hurt and killed. BIG DADDIES CANNOT USE PLASMIDS! [b]B[/b]ig [b]S[/b]isters : Big Sisters are not available at this time for character creation. They will be around, but there are not that many and they will be a bitch to kill. Unless you are a Big Daddy or have several plasmids and a variety of weapons you probably will want to run and hide. On the whole if you don't bother them, or the Little Sisters, they won't bother you. [b]P[/b]lasmids : Plasmids will be available for use but will have to be approved by either me or my Co-GM(s). Eve will be around but it will not grow on trees. You will not find a dozen shots of Eve every five minutes. Same with Adam. You will not be able to use plasmid abilities indefinitely and they are not all-powerful. I don't want to see any "I shot him with electricity about 20 times before setting him on fire and then freezing him before breaking him to pieces". What I'm getting at is : remember that plasmid abilities have limitations. [/hider] If you have lasted this long I commend you. I am sorry to be so long winded at times, but I am just trying to avoid future issues. [b]T[/b]he Rules: 1. No fighting in the OOC. I mean it. If I see any insults, fighting or bullying you will be banned from the rp. 2. People will die. No one is completely safe. But always ask before killing other people's characters. 3. Romance beyond PG-13 goes to PM. 4. No OP (over-powered) characters. 5. You can have as many characters as you can handle. Do not ignore anyone and post regularly. If you can't post for a couple of days, let us know so we can move around your character. 6. Try to proof read as much as possible. I am not a grammar Nazi by any means but it would be nice to know what you are saying. 7. Please follow the posting rule (see below). 8. I reserve the right to add more rules if needed. [b]C[/b]haracter [b]S[/b]heet: Appearance : (no anime please, CGI characters are okay) Name: Age: Occupation: (expedition members only) Weapons: (don't go overboard, 2 or 3 is okay but no one carries around an armory) Abilities / Plasmids : (splicers only for the moment, if you have an expedition member who gets a plasmid I will add it to your character on the list later) Brief Bio: (doesn't have to be super long) Other: (anything else you wish to add) one more thing.... [hider=Posting Rule] Something I have started doing in my rps and I have found to be extremely helpful in keeping track of everyone and everywhere is a formula to posting : at the top of the post, put, in bold, the name of the character you are currently playing, their location and who you are interacting with. For example: [b]Kim - Bus Stop - Steven[/b] If you are playing multiple characters in one post, just add their names in: [b]Kim and Stacy - Restaurant - Each Other[/b] If there are multiple people in the same place and you don't know who you are interacting with at the moment, broaden the terms: [b]Kim - Office - Everyone[/b] This was no matter who replies everyone who is currently in the office knows you might be interacting with them or can start an interaction. So I know you read this, please comment on it in your first post. Tell me what you think of this posting rule.[/hider] You made it! The end of the post! You get a Pep Bar! Okay I lied. ONE more thing (I swear this is the last thing!) What Bioshock rp would be complete without the audio diaries? From time to time I will post audio diaries (recorded by me) for players to find. I might even enlist the help of a few players to help me record audio diaries