[center][h2]The Age of Blades.[/h2][/center] [b]OOC is ready to be posted - more or less - and I am just posting to see if there's interest.[/b] [center][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/075/2/c/castle_by_woutart-d5y53td.png[/img][/center] [center][i]“Atop a hill, born from pebbles, serene and still, the Wintershouse settles.”[/i][/center] [i]“He cannot do this, he may not!” The old man smiled eerily, his white blinded eyes staring into the darkness in front of him. His old wrinkled hands grabbed a hold of the walking cane in his laps and he raised himself from his seat, turning to face towards where he last heard Joakim's voice. “If he cannot, then why has he already?” A loud thump broke the silence as the young adult slammed his fist on the wooden round table in front of him, shaking it heavily. Footsteps followed, the blind man staring at the direction of their sounds. Finally, the door opened and slammed right after. “Such bravery.” the old man said, slowly walking over to his bed, the cane clicking against the cold stone floor as he used it to hold him up. “Such a shame he would die. Such a shame.” The old man got into bed and slowly slipped into a calm peace, an eerie prelude to the chaos that would follow.[/i] [center]~~~~[/center] [center][b]The setting of 'the Age of Blades'[/b][/center] [center]~~~~[/center] In the Whitelands the ruling family houses in their keep atop a hill. Directly outside is a small village surrounded by a wooden palisade, which connects to the stone walls of the keep. Over the centuries these Whitelands have seen many things, from combat to interesting meetings with foreign people from the green steppes across the hill and beyond. But recently lord Rikard fell in the war against the Harrighfields, a war declared to settle a dispute between king Etwine and lord Perris of Harrighfield. The war was about who owns the rights to a certain iron mine in the soutnern Ironhills. His death signals a time of troubles for the Weade family. The rightful heir to the throne of the Whitelands is currently away from home, serving under king Etwine in one of his many ongoing campaigns. Soldiers are returning back from the war in the Ironhills, defeated and lost, mourning the death of their lord, and taking with them rebellious and warlike sentiments. Rikards wife, Catryn Weade, is incapable of leading the lands after the death of her beloved husband, and she has shown signs of growing slightly disturbed, mentally at least. And now, the peasants and lords of the Whitelands are beginning to grow angry, restless without a lord to lord over them, no iron fist holding them in place. They are beginning to see what power they truly have in relation to the Weades. Then again, they have more pressing matters to attend to, compared to rebelling against their lords. [center]~~~~[/center] [center][b]What to expect?[/b][/center] [center]~~~~[/center] You can expect a reasonable GM, who is willing to listen to suggestions and [i]can[/i] be very lenient (too much, at times) and open minded to certain ideas. Expect a GM who will do his best to maintain a fun and tight community surrounding the RP (and if any wish, outside too as I don't mind friendly chatter about our real lifes). You should expect an RP that will do it's best to attain a certain degree of realism in it, attempting to keep in line with many medieval characteristics while being more lenient to others in order to make sure that anyone can participate with any kind of character and can have fun with it in relative consideration of their roles in medieval society. Expect a realistic sense of combat (no super-assasins that fly through the air and stab 3 people whilst doing so in order to escape by jumping off a castle and living. Rather, hired archers that honed their skills with many years of hunting, who are given a few coins to 'hunt a prized human' rather.) Expect no magic! (Herbalism disguised as 'magic' is alright and logical. Outright shooting fire from your hands? Nuh-uh.) Looser female roles are gonna be a thing, though they would still have a slightly less easy position in society, they will be allowed to take up positions in knighthood (though do not expect to see many of them). [center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/zvx8vs.png[/img][/center] [center][i]The Great Tree, sigil of the Weade's.[/i] [b]“Root to Top!”[/b][/center] [center]~~~~[/center] [i]OOC is ready, just posting to see who is interested! I can post the OOC tonight if I think there is enough interest to constitute starting this RP![/i] The kind of characters I'd be looking for is family members of the Weades who are courting in the Wintershouse, the capital of the Whitelands. Besides those, I'm also looking for lords, marquis' and other such noblemen. Peasantry is also going to be a thing, but I do press on you that if you want to be a lowborn person, you should consider being either a soldier type or a servant, as nobody would enjoy being a peasant 24/7 with nobody to RP with (if you want to be a farmer, I will find a way to incorporate you, I promise!).