Silence had returned to the open clearing as the fleeing eighth bandit's voice had vanished completely from the distance he had put between himself and the miniature battleground. Guess he cared little for his 'friends' then, unless the group didn't know everyone involved. They certainly didn't know the men that they would be put up against. Nomi just sighed and turned to look down upon bloodied nose, who was still writhing about on the floor. Crouching down, the blind man started to pat over his pockets, swatting away the bandit's hands whenever he tried to retaliate. He stopping struggling after a couple of attempts and bloodied nose just lay there and allowed himself to be looted. Seemed he had a brain in that rattled head of his after all. There was no point in getting yourself killed over pocket change after all. But when the blind man found some cash, he ignored it and continued his scavenge for items. A minute passed and nothing of use seemed to be on him and after getting back up to his feet, Nomi used his right boot to push and roll bloodied nose over. [color=teal]”Get lost.”[/color] Bloodied nose took the advice and painfully scrambled to his feet before scrambling away himself. The sound of clapping reached the blind man's ears and he turned himself about to 'look' in the direction it was coming from. Footsteps treading through dry grass were descending the hill and it sounded like the 'monk' was approaching that who had arrived late to the party. The two men shared words in a foreign tongue, D’ol Dath Tar, recognizable from the tongue heavy syllables and difficult for most of the common folk to speak accurately. It was no surprise that the 'monk' was able to speak it's language. After all, he had told the kitchen hand that Ornestoro was a D’ol Dathri, so it made sense that Jintaru could speak the native language. Nomi just scoffed and took a single step towards the richly dressed stranger. [color=teal]”You did a poor job of 'testing' your little puppet, D'ol Dathri. Perhaps you ought send someone who KNOWS how to swing a sword next time?”[/color] The blind man took a few paces away and swung his foot at the crow that had landed near the decapitated corpse in hopes of a meal, scaring the large black bird away. He crouched down besides the lifeless body and started to pat over the pockets of this one. [color=teal]”'Best' sell-sword? Pfff! Saying that about six years ago would have me agreeing with you. The man who stands before you should have taken all eight of those men out before any of them had reached for their blades.”[/color] Nomi didn't bother looking over his shoulder as he spoke up when hearing Ornestoro's comment. His hands continued to rummage though the headless bandit's pockets until he stumbled across a piece of folded parchment, stained with blood. Standing up and unfolding the parchment, the silver-haired man turned around to face the pair of men that stood in the body filled clearing. Nomi cleared his lips as he held the parchment up and read aloud like a town crier would. [color=teal]”I, Ornestoro, hereby demand the head of a lone wanderer called 'Jintaru'. He is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous, last seen outside 'The Last Rest' tavern on the outskirts of 'Krasora'. A purse of one thousand gold shall be waiting for you and your men upon return of 'Jintaru's' head. Signed, Ornestoro.”[/color] Nomi turned the parchment about to reveal the words he had just spoke and gave the D'ol Dathri a dark smirk, waggling the parchment so it rustled softly while dangling from his hand. [color=teal]”One thousand gold? I hope you only wrote this one letter. We'd not want it's copies falling into the wrong hands now, would we?”[/color] The blind man took several steps closer towards the two other men and came to a stop when he was a few feet away from then. So this was Ornestoro in the flesh huh? He was pretty much what you'd expect to see a wealthy man from the city to look like, but it was strange that he appeared to be here alone, with no guards or armed men to protect him. This wasn't a known bandit location though, so perhaps escorts and protection wasn't necessary, unless he was a capable warrior himself? [color=teal]”For a man who 'won't speak', you certainly are talking a lot.”[/color] The blind man said as he folded the bloody parchment up nearly and placed it within his satchel. His scroll fragment remained within his satchel for the time being, for there was no point in pulling it out to show the D'ol Dathri if he was here only to speak with the 'monk'. The ploughshare wished to become a sword once more, so perhaps the neatly dressed man was here to offer a job to the shaven-headed man and would then be off on his way. The silver-haired man just stood still and remained silent from here on out, 'watching' and waiting to see what would happen between the two other men.