[quote=@Rilla][@Rilla] [@Altered Tundra] It depends on what you mean. Currently, we are planning a ranking system based off points, where te more points you have the higher ranked you are. I've already sent Mahz more of less a lost of things we were hoping he could code in to help its te process, though we could simply do it ourselves. [/quote] That's something of what I was meaning. On another site I was on that, at the time, had a pretty thriving Roleplaying section(even the RPB section), there was this massive tournement held that was just simply called The Order Ranking Tournement. This would work by randomly pairing each person with another and there would be a randomly assigned judge of someone who was in the tournement. Depending on who would lose in which round, they would be assigned a number on the rankings list. Like, for example, the one who won the entire thing would be at #1 and the one would lose in the very first round would be set at whatever the last number on the list is. Like, probably would be 16 or 32 depending on how many people actually sign up for it. The way people would progress up the list(after the tourney is completed of course) is that they will post in the OOC thread and say that they're going to be challenging -enter person here- for -enter number here- and a judge will be assigned. From there, they will battle it out. If the person who set the challenge wins, he/she progresses up the list to whatever number the person they challenged had. Of course, the loser in this scenrio would be pushed down the list to the number that the challenger previously held. So, I know that sounds a little complex and probably way too much to do, but I think, at least, it's something interesting to discuss as an alternative if Mahz doesn't get around to do the point ranking system.