[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rdr/images/5/50/Christy_weller.png/revision/latest?cb=20121002050403&path-prefix=es[/img] *Please ignore the name and holster, she was taken from an rdr character selection.*[/center] Name: Winona Macintosh Age: 73 Status: Inmate Personality: Winona has gotten cold and snappy with age. She is demanding, aggressive, and short tempered. She in infamous for being verbally abusive and using her religion as a weapon as well as a justification for her actions. She can lash out phsycially but not often, as her old age makes it ineffective. She is obviously very religious and prejudice. Brief Bio: Winona lived in the [i]fictional[/i] Canadian province of Huntington until the age of 70. She lived on a ranch where she raised her four children; Jakob, Alvin, Isabelle, and Lawrence. Lawrence was the only child to survive into his adulthood as Jakob and Alvin were killed in a stampede and Isabelle died in childbirth at age 19. Her husband died shortly after the death of her three children. When Lawrence turned 18, he left home to work at a lumber camp. As she aged, it got harder and harder for Winona to take care of herself and there was no one to take care of her, as she had scared them all away with her rude and aggressive tendancies. She asked Lawrence to move back in with her. If he did so, she promised him ownership of the ranch when she died. Reluctantly, Lawrence complied and moved back home. However, Winona's abuse was more than he could bare. She contsantly battered him every day about not marrying and not giving her any grandchildren. She would demand outrageous service from him and criticise him on his every act. It soon reached the point in which she claimed God had told her that Lawrence was stealing from her and trying to kill her. She began to make more outrageous claims against Lawrence until he decided he had to send her away to an asylum that would keep her contained - regardless if it were in another country.