Jacobson looked around at the growing party surrounding him. [color=gold][i]I was hoping for a few people, but not all at once.[/i][/color] He sighed. You can't always get exactly what you wish for, but at least there was a decent turnout, and that was all that mattered. [color=gold]"Hello, you two. Welcome, if you'd kindly wait at the table right over there, I'd be very appreciative."[/color] He gestured to a table just a few feet away, against the wall. He returned his attention back upon Alex. [color=gold]"Now, where were we.... Ah, yes, you were talking about your career in 'entertainment fighting'. Believe it or not, I used to bet on those a few years ago."[/color] This wasn't entirely a lie, though Jacobson conveniently left out the part where he never won a bet and would lose half his paycheck each time he bet. [color=gold]"It'd be nice to have someone with your skills along. As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to join if you still wish to. We may want to see about getting you some Fixer, in the meantime. And make sure you drink up, it's not polite to leave water sitting."[/color] Jacobson smiled to the bartender as she carefully slammed another glass of water in front of the first man to show up and interrupt the 'interview'. [color=coral]"Let me guess, two more for the other gentlemen?"[/color] she asked. Jacobson nodded and handed her 13 caps as a tip, trying to be polite. She snatched them and walked off to grab more glasses.