Rocket noticed how crowded the small corner of the bar was getting, and started feeling nervous again. Maybe she was getting in over her head. These people seemed quite...loud and animated. And yet she kept herself in her chair, quietly waiting for her interview to continue. She relaxed again when Jacobson told her that he had attended fights before, and even bet on some. It showed that he clearly wasn't strictly lawful. She nodded eagerly when he mentioned that she was allowed to join the group, but then stopped when he mentioned fixer. She didn't need fixer. Fixer was for Jet huffers and psyco junkies, of which she was neither. She chose not to say anything, not wanting to loose her new job right after she got it. She followed his instruction about drinking the water, picking up the still cool glass and taking a few sips, wetting her dry throat. She leaned back in her seat, still silent, figuring it was someone elses turn for a interview.