Yukimura could tell the Guardians didn't like this, most of them had doubtful expressions. Some even spoke up against it. Surprisingly it was the Miko who spoke up first. Then the drunk one who seemed to scoff it off. Until finally, the tall black haired ronin spoke, seeming torn about situation. True Samurai and Ronin would understand that this was never a easy choice. Between duty and family. After all... How many brothers and sisters fought one another in the times of war? What surprised him slightly was when Asuka dared drew her blade on him. In which many of the Emperor's Samurai were about to draw theirs until the Prince held his left out in a motion for them to halt. He still stood there calm, his chocolate brown gaze looking at the ronin. A sad smile crossing his lips. Though he blinked when the strange blue armor woman started speaking odd again. He raised a brow at being called Big Brother by a complete stranger the her spouting about love for his little sister. He opened his mouth to say something to her before closing it once more. Fearing that he may just make it worse by talking about it. Honestly, he wasn't sure about that one..... Sure, he understood Mizuki simply found her interesting.., but she didn't know that it wasn't a good interest. So he was unsure if he should laugh or glare so he just continued. [b]"I realize this is dark words.... But they are much tamer then our brothers whom are out of the city. I have tried foreseeing every outcome... Every possible way. Our brothers believe of one quick solution... Which is executing the Princess. They will be most displeased that I have let her go. After all, if they asked her she probably would agree to such a thing... But want me to do it. Perhaps I am a coward, but I my hands are dirty enough without my sisters blood."[/b] he said softly, closing his eyes thoughtfully. [b]"If she gets to Mount Fuji... I can hope that she will be alright in the best resolution as possible. I suppose I guess... You have three choices when you get there..... You can leave her.... Kill her.... Or let us burn. I do not say these out of malice... But you will understand if you see it on your journey. You already caught a glimpse."[/b] he spoke before opening his eyes once again. [b]"The worst outcome, in which I fear. If she's in pain.... I will slay her myself. For now, I can only hope she can somehow be alright. At least for a little longer. I can only stay and keep our brothers at bay. But, I suppose, I can hope you find a better solution as well."[/b] the Prince spoke sadly, his eyes shimmering, as if he was about to shed a few tears. Until Mizuki returned, smiling cheerfully. Instantly the Prince smiled brightly as he saw his sister carrying the katana. [b]"Hey I thought you had gotten lost in there. Geesh your going to hold up everyone on your journey aren't you?"[/b] he laughed. Mizuki smiled and playfully pushed him. [b]"Oh whatever Big Brother. Why is Asuka-San pointing her blade on you? Did you say something to upset them? You are such a downer."[/b] She teased as she curiously looked at the Guardians. Yukimura only smiled sadly as he chuckled. [b]"Yup, a downer alright."[/b] he said before sighing as he gently embraced his little sister in a tight hug. Though she playfully whined that he was squishing her, he only tightened his hold. [b]"Mizuki, you have the blood of Samurai... Follow your heart and honor to guide you until the end. I know you will know what to do."[/b] he said softly. The Princess tipped her head curiously but nodded. [b]"Of course.... But I'll be back so we can spar together okay? And eat yummy rice balls together. Promise?"[/b] she spoke, her eyes looking up at him eagerly. Pausing, the Prince smiled sadly and patted her shoulder. [b]"We shall see."[/b] he spoke as Mizuki cheered as if taking the reply as a yes before looking at the Guardians once more. [b]"Are you ready to go?"[/b] he asked.