During the small break between second and third period, Ricki found herself checking over the stat books with Coach Dubois when he was free. She wanted to make sure that they were correct. Now she was sporting Gabe's school jacket, as she had started getting cold about midway through the Second period. "Thank you, coach. I know how thorough colleges are with their stats, Krista and I just wanted to double check." "No problem." He said, tuning away rather quickly as she headed back to her seat. However, someone was sitting in her seat. "Excuse me?" She asked, and when the figure turned she dropped her stat book and flung her arms around him. "Darren!" "Well, hello sis!" He chuckled a bit. "Mom said you guys wouldn't be in until tomorrow." She said. Darren slid over and Ricki took her seat. This was exactly the mood booster she needed. "Where is Andy, anyway?" "Montgomery's house. Seeing as dad is still home and not happy, mom invited Gabe's parents over for dinner and movies, and wine. Just so we had a place to party." He answered, looking to her back. "Nice to see you're no longer with super douche." Ricki nodded, and Krista gave her a look, but it got shot down. "Wednesday night was rather eventful." "Mom told us. [I]Everything[/I]." Ricki paled, but Darren grinned. "What, we ain't gonna kill you, and at least it wasn't Livingston." Maureen heard that and laughed. "Damn straight!" However, play was starting back up, so the.conversation died out. Again, Landry was playing against Jacobs, and it was a nice change in pace. It was good to see someone so well rounded on the ice playing for the Bears. And Jared was showing that they-He, really- were a forced to be reckoned with. By the end of the game, the crowd was screaming, and it was an all around good time. Ricki looked in their shirt boxes. "Damn, we sold all of them?" She asked, looking to her brother. "Beer run?" "It's why I came. Andy's got the food going already." He said, "and since he dropped me off, I figured I'd just get a ride with you three beautiful ladies." Ricki chuckled a bit, and she and Krista stacked the boxes in his arms as.Maureen handed Ricki the cash box. "Darren, I know you graduate like three years ago, but how do you feel about being the last quarterback to reach state?" Maureen was stroking his ego. "Pretty fucking good. Means you can't replicate me, even if Livingston tried." Ricki chuckled, but once they Piled into the car, Darren redirected the topic. "Oh, but beware, Andy is none too happy about you and Gabe. Especially if you two aren't together. He won't act on it unless provoked. And if you see Livingston, tell me. Andy is liable to put him in the hospital." Ricki felt a little on edge. They still didn't know about the bruise, and neither of them had been fans of David anyway which just made things worse. Once they got the beer, they headed to Gabe's house, and Ricki ran inside and once she found Andy, she threw her arms around him. "Andrew!" She smiled, and he laughed. "Having a conversation, Ricki. God." He said, motioning to Jared as she backed away, but she was soon spun around. "Montgomery, eh?" "Yeah, he insisted I use it if I got cold." She said, and an arm came around her and she jumped. "Damn straight." Gabe said. "Goddammit, Gabriel!" Ricki shouted. Andrew laughed. "Be careful with my baby sister. You don't want to hear about the things I'm going to do to Livingston." He said, and Gabe looked to her. "They know?" He asked. Ricki gave a gentle nod. "[I]All of it?[/I]" "What? About how you two screwed when Livingston went off to Hawaii?" Andy asked. Darren came up. "Old news." "What about this?" He asked, pulling up Ricki's sleeve to show the.bruise that had faded some. She almost immediately pulled her sleeve down. "Gabe." She hissed, and she was soon carted off by Darren who found the quietest place was out front. "What was that?" He Asked, pulling up her sleeve and examining the bruise. "Is this from Livingston? Did he hit you?" "No, no, we had a talk the other day, and he grabbed my arm when I went to leave." She explained. "There's more to this drama then?" Darren asked, and she nodded. "Alright, me and you will talk later, but for now, go enjoy the party. If Andy is still hot, I'll talk him down. Normally the idea of a party will keep him calm." "Set me and him up some shots and he'll relax." Ricki said. Darren took her literally and she sighed, heading back in, and grabbing Gabe's hand before pulling him into his bedroom and throwing his jacket on his bed. "Have you completely lost your mind?!" "He's handling It better than I thought he would." Gabe said. "For now." Ricki said. "Well, they deserve to know." He said, "They have a right to do something.about it." "Why?" "Because if they don't I will!" He exclaimed, and they both fell silent. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell." "Why?" Her voice was quieter, and she approached him, and brought his face in her hands, making him look her in the eyes. "Because I care about you, Ricki." He said. "You've always been real with me, and so many people are walking away because Livingston is playing it up as the victim. But he's not. You are. I didn't want you to walk away on me too." Ricki closed her eyes and moved away. "Okay." She said, taking hold of his hand and pulling up, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Now, let's go have some fun and forget all this Livingston drama. Besides, I'm pretty sure Andy, Darren, and I are about to do shots." "Oh, this will be fun." He said, and he led her back to the party, Darren waving them over. "Ricki Nichole, time for shots." He said, pointing to a lime of four he had made for her. "Your favorite. Tequila." "You know me too well." She said. Krista smiled, seeing Andy off to Ricki's right. "Shot race?" "Count us down, sis." Andy said. "3,2,1, Go!" She counted fast, and the three siblings took their shots down, Darren finishing.just before Ricki and Andy. "I win, little ones." Darren teased. "Oh can it, Dare." Andy punched his arm before going back to finish up What.little meat there was left to cook. "Ricki Trenton!" Maureen shouted from the door. "You got me?" Gabe gave a look as Ricki walked over and pulled a condom out.of her bra and placed it in Maureen's as discreetly as possible. "You are a doll." Maureen placed a kiss on Ricki's cheek and she returned It before Maureen headed off. When she returned se received a look from Gabe. "What?" She asked. "What was that?" He asked. "I saw what it was." "Me helping my sister out." She chuckled.