A smirk found it's way on to Tagorn's face as he watched a young Nord, still a boy even by the standards of man, grab a discarded jug from one of the abandoned tables of the inn and begin to stumble. It took him less than a moment to realize what the lad had planed, Tagorn had seen this act many times before even having put it on himself quite a few times. He watched intrigued as the boy "drunkenly" walk towards the exit only to stumble into a Dunmer who was obviously drinking some sort of concoction that was more than just the house mead, Tagorn could smell the added ingredients even from his seat in the shadows. He didn't see it but he knew the boy had managed to slip something out of the Dark elf's pocket, what he could not say. He was about to turn his attention away from the little thief when the young Bosmer he spotted before intervened. As the boy fell to the floor Tagorn had to chock back a laugh, he hadn't seen a pickpocketing go so poorly in years. He was more interested in his fellow Wood elf than before now, even considering her as his next mark. He studied her for a moment before he noticed the failed pickpocket took a place on the wall next to him, probably not even noticing Tagorn in the corner next to him. "Rough day eh boy?" He smirked as he addressed the boy.