Everything was as he thought. Pondering a moment he tried to find a way to help, but soon realized his hands were tied. In order to help anyone he had to get a better grip of his current situation. All he could do for now was let Jane and Mary do their job. It wasn't like he had any actual investment in the child, genetically speaking. Students need to learn to fall so they can pick themselves up. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Let him do as he pleases, within reason of course. If he thinks he is getting boxed in, he will instantly hate it and start putting up walls that I would rather we didn't have to take down. If he does anything stupid, call me.[/i][/color]" With that he turned to leave the room, but stopped short. Charles was a Magus. Jacob found his subconsciousness yelling at him, telling him that this was all wrong. What are the chances? Would the Grail think him worthy? Would he heed the call? There were a lot of questions that had no answers, and Jacob worried about each of them. Standing at the door his mind raced over all of the possibilities. He had to find out, but he couldn't ask. A smart Master would tell his servant to investigate the matter, and a smart Master he was. But decided against it. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Otherwise I'll stop by the estate this weekend. It might be time we had a heart to heart. Cleared the air.[/i][/color]" This was something he had to do himself. If he turned into a monster here he would not be able to live with himself after the war was over. Charles was a friend, if he had to he would kill him, but what would become of his reputation. Leaving the art room he caught a glimpse of Miyamoto disappearing around a corner, and Charles sitting on the ground again the wall with his camera in his lap. Jacob walked past him and into the lecture hall, not even making eye contact for a second. Anything he would say would come across the wrong way, even the wrong look could be trouble. Holding no desire to fan the flames he thought it best to let them die out and rekindle them at a later date. [right][sup][@hatakekuro][@Raijinslayer][/sup][/right][center]* * * * * *[/center] The rest of the day went on without incident. For most of it he was tense, but not noticeably so. He had expected something to happen, for someone to break the rules about being seen in public. To his surprise the day went on like any other. Gathering his effects he started to head out for the night but stopped in the main office. No one paid him any mind as he walked straight through to a room in the back. No bigger than a broom closet, the room only had a single computer and a rather unique looking printer. Time to get to work. Assassin would need an ID card in order to wander the facilities. She would also need an ID period. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Assassin,[/i][/color]" he spoke to seemingly no one in particular, "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]can I borrow you for a second. I need your picture.[/i][/color]" [right][sup][@Constantine ][/sup][/right]