Rasia rode up on her own horse to the brute that was traveling with them for some reason. "I don't know why you joined us but presumably it wasn't to bully poeple weaker than you, I suggest you leave the Kokiri alone." she said rather untactfully. She didn't like the hulk of a man, he had never stated his intentions for joining them and she had suspected they were less than honorable. Rasia subconsiously checked her weapons under the cover of her robes, it was comforting to feel the familiar prescense of her weapons. "Come on then Boom, you know the carvan master doesn't like it when you're out of sight and we need to get going." she said and began to slowly trot towards the front of the caravan. The Kokiri was certainly a strange one but she was here to protect everyone not just the goods. Although why the Kokiri was traveling with them in the first place was another thing she had no idea about.