[quote=@Little Mx Inferno] Very interested. I would be curious about what other families exist and whatnot, unless this is going to focus exclusively on the Weades. (Though my interest is there either way) [/quote] There are other families. I have to admit this is an old RP I did before, that I just reposted as it didn't work out last time. However that also means I learned some things about what to do and what not to do. For that reason I'd like to primarily focus on the Weades and their direct surroundings, with nephews and uncles and stuff, courting in the Wintershouse. However I feel like it's a good thing if we have other families though, I think it'd be really cool if we could coordinate it in such a way that those families are not dominated and played by 1 person, but rather theres multiple people playing characters within that respective family. As such it should have a pretty Game of Thrones-ey feel, wherin the genealogical records are quite extensive, and you probably haven't met a lot of your kinsmen. --- I'm gonna throw up the OOC now, and hope to see many of you and probably some others too, in that thread. If anyone has questions you can ask them here or PM me, either is fine.