Ornestoro’s only response to Nomi’s chattering was to glance at the blind man from underneath lowered brows. As with everywhere he goes and everyone he meets, Ornestoro was sizing him up. Whilst Jintaru and Nomi were good at what they did, so was Ornestoro. He knew people and he knew combat and he knew information. The three put together made for a powerful base of knowledge. [color=orangered]“Only one-thousand?”[/color] Jintaru asked. [color=orangered]“I feel a little insulted, Ornestoro. I’d have hoped these men would have died for at least three.” [/color] Turning back to face Jintaru, Ornestoro replied. [color=00a651]“These days, one thousand gold can buy a man a kingdom, fadzir. Most people live in poverty. When one’s daily concern is whether or not one’s family gets to eat, the chance to swing a blade for one thousand coins seems like a wonderful opportunity.”[/color] It was true, people were struggling everywhere. It was a sad fact of war. It left in its wake poverty and broken families. Fathers, brothers and sons, often breadwinners in the family, go off to war and get themselves killed only to leave nothing for the family they left behind. The story was the same all over. During his time in D’ol Dath, he saw hundreds of families without fathers starving on the roadside, girls as young as ten selling themselves to soldiers for the night in order to provide for their dying relatives. A sad fact of war. But a fact nonetheless. Jintaru threw a glance over his shoulder at Nomi. He knew the blind man was doing himself no favours in ingratiating himself to Ornestoro. Jintaru wondered if he should just make the introduction, vouch for his silver haired tormentor and get him out of his hair. [color=orangered]“I never once said he didn’t speak, Yanimura…” [/color]He began. [color=orangered]“…Only that he wouldn’t speak to you.”[/color] Turning back to face Ornestoro, he found the D’ol Dathri chuckling to himself. Composing himself, Ornestoro glanced back at Nomi, his expression falling back into one of contemplation and pensiveness. [color=00a651]“Aerla el czandur, si moy nala, fadzir.”[/color] He spoke in D’ol Dath-tar. [color=orangered]“Nala si, Ornestoro.”[/color] Jintaru responded. [color=orangered]“But he has coin and a need for a man with your extensive knowledge of things.”[/color] Both men looked over to where Nomi stood, a few feet from them. [color=orangered]“He says he doesn’t trust you, Yanimura. I told him I didn’t either.”[/color] Jintaru looked back at Ornestoro. [color=orangered]“I would consider it a personal favour for you to get him out of my life. Darkness bleeds, I’d pledge you my sword for free if you could make it forever.”[/color] Ornestoro took a step from in front of Jintaru towards Nomi. [color=00a651]“Gela urla, paeneti riil, czandur.”[/color] He said. Jintaru turned and looked at both men before allowing his gaze to settle on Nomi. [color=orangered]“He says payment first, information after, Yanimura.”[/color]